
Protection isn't kicking in

nevir opened this issue · 3 comments

nevir commented

Tab Modifier version

Browser: Chrome (62.0.3192.0)

Extension version: 0.20.0

Expected behavior

Pressing cmd-w (or file -> close tab) on a protected tab should warn about it

Actual behavior

When pressing cmd-w to close the current tab, tab protection doesn't kick in (the tab closes immediately without a prompt)

Hey @nevir,

Thanks for your feedback. I've done some researches about this. Since Chrome 60, the event beforeunload that triggers the protected action has been reworked. Check out the official Google article and this SO answer. In my opinion, this is a good decision made by Chrome for end users.

That means, the protected action on a TM rule may or may not works depending on your interaction with the page.

I'll add a short note to the README to reference this issue.


nevir commented

Ah! Thanks for the details

it is yet also (opera Version:66.0.3515.115)
(especialy with the close-icon on every tab)

immediately after open the tab:
on the right klick -> "close ..." then apears the message, - nice! -
and in follow up the close-icon also seems sensitiv ...