
Missing css and js files in Resources/public/vendor

sadok-f opened this issue · 33 comments


I'm trying to install Symfony CMF and I got an exception that a lot of files missing in folder Resources/public/vendor
Called in :

  • /vendor/symfony-cmf/create-bundle/Symfony/Cmf/Bundle/CreateBundle/Resources/views/includecssfiles.html.twig
  • /vendor/symfony-cmf/create-bundle/Symfony/Cmf/Bundle/CreateBundle/Resources/views/includejsfiles-create.html.twig
  • /vendor/symfony-cmf/create-bundle/Symfony/Cmf/Bundle/CreateBundle/Resources/views/includejsfiles-ckeditor.html.twig

I checked in Resources/public/vendor in master branch and its empty.


The template files are located in

ie. Resources/views

Resources/public/vendor is only used for the js/css files form 3rd parties

Do we have a typo in the docs somewhere?

I just follow the installation guide from
and I got this exception.

can you paste the exact exception?
also can you paste the output from composer show --installed ?

Yes sure:

An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template ("Unable to find file "@CmfCreateBundle/Resources/public/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js".") in "CmfCreateBundle::includejsfiles-ckeditor.html.twig".

composer show --installed

doctrine/annotations                 v1.2.0  Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache                       v1.3.0  Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/collections                 v1.2    Collections Abstraction library
doctrine/common                      v2.4.2  Common Library for Doctrine projects
doctrine/data-fixtures               v1.0.0  Data Fixtures for all Doctrine Object Managers
doctrine/dbal                        v2.4.2  Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/doctrine-bundle             v1.2.0  Symfony DoctrineBundle
doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle       1.0.0   Symfony2 Bundle for Doctrine Cache
doctrine/inflector                   v1.0    Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
doctrine/lexer                       v1.0    Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
doctrine/phpcr-bundle                1.1.0   Symfony DoctrinePHPCRBundle
doctrine/phpcr-odm                   1.1.2   Object-Document-Mapper for PHPCR
friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle         1.4.1   This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony2
fzaninotto/faker                     v1.4.0  Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
incenteev/composer-parameter-handler v2.1.0  Composer script handling your ignored parameter file
jackalope/jackalope                  1.1.3   Jackalope PHPCR library
jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal    1.1.2   Jackalope Transport library for Doctrine DBAL
jdorn/sql-formatter                  v1.2.17 a PHP SQL highlighting library
jms/metadata                         1.5.1   Class/method/property metadata management in PHP
jms/parser-lib                       1.0.0   A library for easily creating recursive-descent parsers.
jms/serializer                       0.16.0  Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity; supports XML, JSON, and YAML.
jms/serializer-bundle                0.13.0  Allows you to easily serialize, and deserialize data of any complexity
knplabs/knp-menu                     v1.1.2  An object oriented menu library
knplabs/knp-menu-bundle              v1.1.2  This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library
kriswallsmith/assetic                v1.1.2  Asset Management for PHP
liip/functional-test-bundle          1.0.2   This bundles provides additional functional test-cases for Symfony2 applications
midgard/createphp                    1.0.0   PHP adapter for Create.js
monolog/monolog                      1.10.0  Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
nelmio/alice                         1.7.0   Expressive fixtures generator
phpcollection/phpcollection          0.4.0   General-Purpose Collection Library for PHP
phpcr/phpcr                          2.1.1   PHP Content Repository interfaces
phpcr/phpcr-utils                    1.1.1   PHP Content Repository implementation independant utilities
phpoption/phpoption                  1.4.0   Option Type for PHP
psr/log                              1.0.0   Common interface for logging libraries
sensio/distribution-bundle           v2.3.4  The base bundle for the Symfony Distributions
sensio/framework-extra-bundle        v2.3.4  This bundle provides a way to configure your controllers with annotations
sensio/generator-bundle              v2.3.5  This bundle generates code for you
sonata-project/block-bundle          2.2.11  Symfony SonataBlockBundle
sonata-project/cache                 1.0.3   Cache library
sonata-project/core-bundle           2.2.6   Symfony SonataCoreBundle
swiftmailer/swiftmailer              v5.2.1  Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
symfony-cmf/block-bundle             1.1.1   Symfony CMF Block Bundle
symfony-cmf/content-bundle           1.1.0   Symfony CMF Content Bundle
symfony-cmf/core-bundle              1.1.0   Symfony CMF Core Bundle
symfony-cmf/create-bundle            1.1.0   Symfony Bundle for createphp and create.js. The easiest way to make any site editable and have semantic annotations with RDFa.
symfony-cmf/media-bundle             1.1.0   Symfony CMF Media Bundle
symfony-cmf/menu-bundle              1.1.1   Symfony CMF Menu Bundle
symfony-cmf/routing                  1.2.0   Extends the Symfony2 routing component for dynamic routes and chaining several routers
symfony-cmf/routing-bundle           1.2.0   Symfony RoutingBundle
symfony-cmf/simple-cms-bundle        1.1.0   A simple CMS bundle based on the Symfony CMF
symfony-cmf/symfony-cmf              1.1.0   Symfony Content Management Framework
symfony/assetic-bundle               v2.3.0  Integrates Assetic into Symfony2
symfony/icu                          v1.2.2  Contains an excerpt of the ICU data and classes to load it.
symfony/monolog-bundle               v2.3.0  Symfony MonologBundle
symfony/swiftmailer-bundle           v2.3.7  Symfony SwiftmailerBundle
symfony/symfony                      v2.3.18 The Symfony PHP framework
twig/extensions                      v1.0.1  Common additional features for Twig that do not directly belong in core
twig/twig                            v1.16.0 Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator  v1.1.0  JSONP callback validator.
willdurand/negotiation               1.3.3   Content Negotiation tools for PHP provided as a standalone library.

Ah the issue is not that the template is missing but that the css/js files are missing:
An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template ("Unable to find file "@CmfCreateBundle/Resources/public/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js".") in "CmfCreateBundle::includejsfiles-ckeditor.html.twig".

There is a composer script handler responsible for downloading these:

I think there might be an issue there .. can you run composer install again and check if there are any errors?

Yes the files is missing,
I have the 45 line in my composer already


when I run

composer install
I got
Nothing to install or update

you should see something like (see the last bit from my paste):

lsmith@localhost standard-edition (master)$ composer install --prefer-source
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Updating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug true
Installing assets using the hard copy option
Installing assets for Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle into web/bundles/framework
Installing assets for Sonata\CoreBundle into web/bundles/sonatacore
Installing assets for Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\CreateBundle into web/bundles/cmfcreate
Installing assets for Acme\DemoBundle into web/bundles/acmedemo
Installing assets for Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle into web/bundles/sensiodistribution
Download or update create
Download or update ckeditor
remote: Counting objects: 691, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (417/417), done.
remote: Total 691 (delta 520), reused 331 (delta 260)
Receiving objects: 100% (691/691), 1.12 MiB | 225.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (520/520), done.
   86ddb21..7c4d8c1  4.4.x      -> origin/4.4.x
   e549d79..3e46c7c  basic/4.4.x -> origin/basic/4.4.x
   e549d79..3e46c7c  basic/latest -> origin/basic/latest
   e549d79..3e46c7c  basic/stable -> origin/basic/stable
   731ff16..7af7517  full/4.4.x -> origin/full/4.4.x
   731ff16..7af7517  full/latest -> origin/full/latest
   731ff16..7af7517  full/stable -> origin/full/stable
   86ddb21..7c4d8c1  latest     -> origin/latest
   43c7fcc..7c4d8c1  master     -> origin/master
   86ddb21..7c4d8c1  stable     -> origin/stable
   9cd883e..6c3b9ae  standard/4.4.x -> origin/standard/4.4.x
   9cd883e..6c3b9ae  standard/latest -> origin/standard/latest
   9cd883e..6c3b9ae  standard/stable -> origin/standard/stable
 * [new tag]         4.4.3      -> 4.4.3
 * [new tag]         basic/4.4.3 -> basic/4.4.3
 * [new tag]         full/4.4.3 -> full/4.4.3
 * [new tag]         standard/4.4.3 -> standard/4.4.3
 * [new tag]         4.4.2      -> 4.4.2
 * [new tag]         basic/4.4.2 -> basic/4.4.2
 * [new tag]         full/4.4.2 -> full/4.4.2
 * [new tag]         standard/4.4.2 -> standard/4.4.2

Yes I have all missing files from cmfcreate/vendor after runing this commad
composer install --prefer-source

Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Updating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug true
Installing assets using the hard copy option
Installing assets for Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle into web/bundles/framework
Installing assets for Sonata\CoreBundle into web/bundles/sonatacore
Installing assets for Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\CreateBundle into web/bundles/cmfcreate
Installing assets for Acme\DemoBundle into web/bundles/acmedemo
Installing assets for Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle into web/bundles/sensiodistribution
Download or update create
Download or update ckeditor

Ah so it does not work without --prefer-source?

/cc @dbu

Yes without --prefer-source</code I didnt have the files in cmfcreate/vendor

@sadoknet How did you install it or which version? symfony-cmf/standard-edition@15eaa91 should have fixed this issue.

I followed the instructions in
php composer.phar create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition ~1.1

dbu commented

d'oh. thanks @hacfi that sounds like the problem. composer will pick a stable version and i did not tag a new release after that fix. did that now, so when you try again @sadoknet you should get version 1.1.1. does that work for you?

You’ll have to wait a couple of minutes until packagist processes the update but afterwards it should work @sadoknet

ok I'll let you know about it.

Thanks a lot :)

Update seems to be completed. Make sure it says Installing symfony-cmf/standard-edition (1.1.1). If it downloads 1.1.0 try removing the cache(?) by running "rm -rf ~/.composer/cache" or use composer create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition cmf_se "~1.1.1" for now.

Yes its work now:

Installing symfony-cmf/standard-edition (1.1.1)
  - Installing symfony-cmf/standard-edition (1.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%
... we can close the issue!?

I dont know if its related to this issue or not but when I run the create project I got this error:

composer create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition cmf/ ~1.1
Installing symfony-cmf/standard-edition (1.1.1)
  - Installing symfony-cmf/standard-edition (1.1.1)
    Loading from cache
Created project in news/
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev)
PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 33 bytes) in phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Rule.php on line 62

I even tried to increase memory_limit to 256M in my php.ini

@sadoknet It looks like it’s already at 512M (536870912 byte). You can temporarily set it higher by running

php -d memory_limit=1024M /usr/local/bin/composer create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition cmf/ "~1.1"

or even

php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition cmf/ "~1.1"

I just tried myself and noticed that 1.1.1 takes more than double the memory. Looks like symfony-cmf/standard-edition@a09708a increased the workload a lot. Not sure if that’s normal.

/cc @dbu @xabbuh

@hacfi The only affect that symfony-cmf/standard-edition@a09708a might have had is that Composer takes more versions into account when calculating the best matching package. Hence it consumes more memory. Though I don't know what we can with that. If I am not mistaken, it's more a Composer issue.

dbu commented

once we release 1.2 we can remove the minimum-stability again and only
consider stable releases. otherwise i would not know. hopefully work on
composer continues and sombody comes up with improvements on memory needs.

note that once you have a lock file and do composer install on your
servers, there should be no problem as composer does not look at
alternative versions for install, only when updateing.

@dbu Thinking about this I wondered if it would make any difference if we add prefer-stable: true or is that the default value even with minimum-stability being dev?

Its work now after setting memory_limit=-1

dbu commented

i think it is the default, yes. but i guess composer still loads
everything first.

Ok I still got more errors:
After installing everything with composer, I have this exception appears:

To use menu options extionsion, you need sonata-project/SonataAdminBundle in your project.

I even installed SonadaAdminBundle and I still have the same exception.

composer show --installed

doctrine/annotations                 dev-master e93f3b7 Docblock Annotations Parser
doctrine/cache                       dev-master 72121e6 Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
doctrine/collections                 dev-master 432240f Collections Abstraction library
doctrine/common                      2.4.x-dev ae92d07  Common Library for Doctrine projects
doctrine/data-fixtures               dev-master e847b07 Data Fixtures for all Doctrine Object Managers
doctrine/dbal                        2.4.x-dev 1b62e9f  Database Abstraction Layer
doctrine/doctrine-bundle             v1.2.0             Symfony DoctrineBundle
doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle       dev-master 03b4890 Symfony2 Bundle for Doctrine Cache
doctrine/inflector                   dev-master 64de2fe Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
doctrine/instantiator                dev-master bbb57e0 A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
doctrine/lexer                       dev-master db77c80 Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
doctrine/phpcr-bundle                1.1.x-dev 434f37b  Symfony DoctrinePHPCRBundle
doctrine/phpcr-odm                   dev-master 37eeb85 Object-Document-Mapper for PHPCR
friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle         dev-master 4df33da This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony2
fzaninotto/faker                     dev-master 36d0322 Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
incenteev/composer-parameter-handler dev-master 15b15d8 Composer script handling your ignored parameter file
jackalope/jackalope                  dev-master 327ee5a Jackalope PHPCR library
jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal    dev-master 50b9a87 Jackalope Transport library for Doctrine DBAL
jdorn/sql-formatter                  dev-master ff0515f a PHP SQL highlighting library
jms/metadata                         dev-master 22b7245 Class/method/property metadata management in PHP
jms/parser-lib                       dev-master 6067cc6 A library for easily creating recursive-descent parsers.
jms/serializer                       dev-master da86234 Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity; supports XML, JSON, and YAML.
jms/serializer-bundle                dev-master 3a980e5 Allows you to easily serialize, and deserialize data of any complexity
knplabs/knp-menu                     1.1.x-dev f8e8672  An object oriented menu library
knplabs/knp-menu-bundle              1.1.x-dev 2fecac0  This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library
kriswallsmith/assetic                1.1.x-dev ddaccff  Asset Management for PHP
liip/functional-test-bundle          dev-master 2574c9d This bundles provides additional functional test-cases for Symfony2 applications
midgard/createphp                    1.0.0              PHP adapter for Create.js
monolog/monolog                      dev-master 12545cd Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
nelmio/alice                         1.x-dev 6af8d4e    Expressive fixtures generator
phpcollection/phpcollection          dev-master 94a2c04 General-Purpose Collection Library for PHP
phpcr/phpcr                          dev-master fb489e4 PHP Content Repository interfaces
phpcr/phpcr-utils                    1.1.x-dev 25e62cd  PHP Content Repository implementation independant utilities
phpoption/phpoption                  1.4.0              Option Type for PHP
psr/log                              dev-master a78d650 Common interface for logging libraries
sensio/distribution-bundle           v2.3.4             The base bundle for the Symfony Distributions
sensio/framework-extra-bundle        2.3.x-dev f9e4c97  This bundle provides a way to configure your controllers with annotations
sensio/generator-bundle              dev-master 3acd15b This bundle generates code for you
sonata-project/admin-bundle          dev-master 9a361cb Symfony SonataAdminBundle
sonata-project/block-bundle          2.2.11             Symfony SonataBlockBundle
sonata-project/cache                 dev-master 548b14c Cache library
sonata-project/core-bundle           dev-master 8bbc05a Symfony SonataCoreBundle
sonata-project/exporter              1.3.3              Lightweight Exporter library
swiftmailer/swiftmailer              dev-master 62478c4 Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
symfony-cmf/block-bundle             dev-master 215bf29 Symfony CMF Block Bundle
symfony-cmf/content-bundle           dev-master c437b56 Symfony CMF Content Bundle
symfony-cmf/core-bundle              dev-master 7b64926 Symfony CMF Core Bundle
symfony-cmf/create-bundle            dev-master c12d644 Symfony Bundle for createphp and create.js. The easiest way to make any site editable and have semantic annotations wi...
symfony-cmf/media-bundle             dev-master 260a8a0 Symfony CMF Media Bundle
symfony-cmf/menu-bundle              dev-master e128da1 Symfony CMF Menu Bundle
symfony-cmf/routing                  1.2.x-dev 48be48d  Extends the Symfony2 routing component for dynamic routes and chaining several routers
symfony-cmf/routing-bundle           dev-master f3546cf Symfony RoutingBundle
symfony-cmf/simple-cms-bundle        dev-master 4abbd6a A simple CMS bundle based on the Symfony CMF
symfony-cmf/symfony-cmf              dev-master f8ab975 Symfony Content Management Framework
symfony/assetic-bundle               2.3.x-dev 099e0bb  Integrates Assetic into Symfony2
symfony/icu                          1.2.x-dev d4d85d6  Contains an excerpt of the ICU data and classes to load it.
symfony/monolog-bundle               2.3.x-dev f105e8c  Symfony MonologBundle
symfony/swiftmailer-bundle           dev-master bff639d Symfony SwiftmailerBundle
symfony/symfony                      2.3.x-dev 65862c9  The Symfony PHP framework
twig/extensions                      v1.0.1             Common additional features for Twig that do not directly belong in core
twig/twig                            dev-master e2d2a25 Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator  v1.1.0             JSONP callback validator.
willdurand/negotiation               dev-master a98fb6b Content Negotiation tools for PHP provided as a standalone library.

This is caused by a recent feature addition which will be fixed again once the following PR is merged:

However it seems like you are pulling in dev dependencies which always run the risk of being broken or incompatible.

hrmm .. we should not have that set .. guess we need to branch 1.1 and remove the option there.

dbu commented

when creating the project with php composer.phar create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition <path-to-install> ~1.1 as written in the doc (1st option) composer should install the stable version. however we have the same problem in too

but i guess cloning / forking the SE is very natural, so we really should start to have a stable master and do things for the next version in a dev branch, as we do with the doc.

dbu commented

the menu problem should now go away, i merged the fix lukas mentioned. fine for you?

Yes work fine now.

Thanks :)