Working with CKEditor : button 'source' is disabled
Bomere opened this issue · 2 comments
I have a mistake with CKEditor. It's a feature or a bad config ?
I installed the bundle symfony-cmf and the create-bundle.
In file 'composer.json', I added extra info to get full ckeditor version.
"extra": {
"ckeditor-directory": "vendor/symfony-cmf/create-bundle/Symfony/Cmf/Bundle/CreateBundle/Resources/public/vendor/ckeditor",
"ckeditor-repository": "",
"ckeditor-commit": "fe258604491af861b44b48e48c3e9a997ff7b2ad"
It's works ! The full version is in cmfcreate bundle directory ( /bundles/cmfcreate/vendor/ckeditor/ ).
But I have all buttons except the source button. I don't understand why...
If someone would like to enlighten me ?
Thank you
you have much more buttons than i would expect. for example has a lot less - afaik the only way to change what buttons you want atm is to overwrite the template rendering ckeditor in app/Resources. as mentioned in #23 it would be cool if we manage to find a sane way to make this more convenient, whithout creating a huge configuration system.
Ok, thank you :-)
I found another way to integrate the source button. It's seem to be a feature of CKEditor, when I downloaded full version, the plugin sourcedialog was not present ...
I removed extra info from composer.json to get the standard edition of CKEditor and, in future, for get the new versions of software.
I downloaded the sourcedialog addon on the website of CKEditor and I copy it in my home bundle :
In the template, just before the end tag of body, I added the extra plugin
{% render(controller("cmf_create.jsloader.controller:includeJSFilesAction")) %}
{% if is not null and is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
<script type="text/javascript">
window.CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('sourcedialog', '/bundles/home/vendor/ckeditor/plugins/sourcedialog/','plugin.js');
window.CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'sourcedialog';
{% endif %}