impossible to edit menu item in another locale
kermorgant opened this issue · 3 comments
I noticed an issue while trying to edit a menu item (projects-iitem), and confirmed it also happens on the online demo install of the sandbox.
It has something to do with the current locale as the problem occured when using "fr" locale, but not when using "en".
Unfortunately, I could not reproduce it locally on my machine as my cmf install has now an issue with the french locale...
I think this is these lines in the logs of the online demo might be related to this issue:
[2017-02-28 06:51:23] app.ERROR: [cms::renderBlock] - error while rendering block - An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Parameter "id" for route "admin_cmf_menu_menunode_edit" must match ".+" ("" given) to generate a corresponding URL."). {"exception":"[object] (Twig_Error_Runtime(code: 0): An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (\"Parameter \"id\" for route \"admin_cmf_menu_menunode_edit\" must match \".+\" (\"\" given) to generate a corresponding URL.\"). at /app/vendor/sonata-project/translation-bundle/Resources/views/Block/block_locale_switcher.html.twig:27, Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\InvalidParameterException(code: 0): Parameter \"id\" for route \"admin_cmf_menu_menunode_edit\" must match \".+\" (\"\" given) to generate a corresponding URL. at /app/var/cache/prod/classes.php:1513)"} []
[2017-02-28 06:53:28] app.ERROR: {"exception":"[object] (Sonata\\AdminBundle\\Exception\\ModelManagerException(code: 0): at /app/vendor/sonata-project/doctrine-phpcr-admin-bundle/Model/ModelManager.php:92, PHPCR\\ItemNotFoundException(code: 0): Path not found (moved in current session): /cms/menu/main/projects-item at /app/vendor/jackalope/jackalope/src/Jackalope/ObjectManager.php:426)","previous_exception_message":"Path not found (moved in current session): /cms/menu/main/projects-item"} []
@kermorgant Can you still reproduce it on sandbox? I can't i think it was an invalid state while transfering the admin stuff.
Just tried on the public cms sandbox and no, seems you have fixed that issue. Thanks for all the hard work !