
strange check in SeoAdminFactory

dbu opened this issue · 5 comments

dbu commented

as per the discussion in do we have a hard dependency for the burgov bundle for the seo admin, or is it optional? either adjust the wording of the exception, or add checks if we need to throw the exception

not sure anymore if it was right to move the exception into the integration-bundle. We introduced that exception, cause we can't use the arbitary metadata values in admin without the help of that dependency.

dbu commented

is arbitrary metadata values a required feature? or optional in the admin? can we make a config to enable/disable that and only throw the exception if enabled but no burgov? maybe with an enabled true|false|auto?

The values arn't required on seo metadata. But the form SeoMetadataType isn't calm atm. So we just need to pass your information into the form as a service definition. Btw: that class need some form type refactoring.

We do need that bundle in seo-bundle as well, cause the form type of that component is needed in Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SeoBundle\Form\Type\SeoMetadataType. So the seo-bundle would fail, when using SeoAdminExtension here.

i just pushed seo-bundle without that component and got:

This should be done by #37