TypeError: $(...).cmfTree is not a function
iBasit opened this issue · 12 comments
On dashboard im getting following error, even tho admintree, jstree and selecttree files are loaded.. i'm not sure what other files are required for this?
TypeError: $(...).cmfTree is not a function
You are using the development branch - which current requires that you include this twig file.
I'm using 1.2 for this bundle
ya I don't even see this file in my treeBundle. It only has tree.html.twig
I tried installing dev-master version, but now I'm getting following error:
Cannot load resource ".".
I think this error is generated by following
resource: .
type: 'cmf_tree'
kind of clueless now lol
Fixed it by adding following and also on dev-master branch for the treeBundle
and removed cmf_tree
route settings
type: doctrine_phpcr_odm
basepath: ~
YEs, if you enable the sonata admin enhancer for the ResourceRestBundle, you can see edit options.
Things are still in development, so create features are missing atm.
I have manage to add this, but still same result, which is tree opens and closes fine, but nothing happen on click (assuming it should open edit page or view page) - currently its just tree structure only which expands and collapse
- { repository: default, enhancer: sonata_admin }
Check the config reference:
$ ./app/console config:dump-refdrence cmf_resource_rest
Something like enhancers:sonata_admin
If you want documentattion and stability use the stable version. What version of SonataPHPCRAdminBundle r u using? (composer show --installed
SonataPHPCRAdminBundle dev-master
because I'm using SonataAdminBundle 3.x
, so because of it, I had to use lots of dev-master
# Prototype
repository: ~
type: ~
repository: ~ # Required
enhancer: ~ # Required
so have in config.yml
- { repository: default, enhancer: sonata_admin }
I suggest you to not use all dev things yet. It's far from stable. Just use SonataAdminBundle 2.3 with CMF 1.3 and you'll have full docs and a working set of features.
It's not an option, but do wish it tho, makes life easier.
Do you know why tree is not still editable? its still showing list only and can't do edit, after enabling enhancer
Do you know why tree is not still editable? its still showing list only and can't do edit, after enabling enhancer
No idea by seeing these configuration snippets. The CMF sandbox master branch works with CMF 2.0-dev. This has the edit dropdown box: http://sandbox.cmf.symfony.com/en/admin/dashboard Can you maybe compare your set-up with that project and see what's different?