Column Browser
dantleech opened this issue · 7 comments
I am working on a HTML based column-brower:
Its basically quite simple, and actually uses the Semantic UI CSS framework. I wonder if it should be a part of this bundle, or if it would be better separated.
yeah, similar to the OSX finder (actually inspired by Sulu) - i am in two minds about it. on one hand it shares nothing with this bundle, on the other it is a tree browser - and this bundle is currently 99% javascript, and the column browser is currently pure HTML / Symfony (will have javascript enhancement though).
I like the idea! :)
However, I want to keep this bundle as "standalone" as possible. This means that I don't think we should include any design decisions in this bundle, just JavaScript APIs and Symfony helpers which implement the base feature (like the tree browser).
I think it should be doable to create a JavaScript API for this column browser. If we can manage something like that, 👍 to include it.
Well, one of the ideas behind the tree browser is that it should work, as far as possible, with just HTML. Then progressively add features with javascript.
Maybe it is better as a separate bundle for now, I will continue prototyping it in the sycms
repository and then if it looks like it can be sufficiently decoupled we can put it here.
maybe it can be a column-browser-bundle in the end. depending on this bundle if there are shared backend functionalities.
I still don't see anything wrong with adding it here. It's another way of browsing through the resource tree.
Just discovered Fancytree has a column view feature as well: