
Mercure hub filename cannot be empty

Closed this issue · 3 comments

implementing first hello word according here got this error. why? what is this file and where?

Unable to publish the update to the Mercure hub: file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty

i change many params and last get:

Unable to publish the update to the Mercure hub: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
rimoi commented

you can put your code?

did you start the Hub Mercure?

HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized means that the JWT you provide isn't valid. It's probably not signed with the same key than the one set for the hub.

Can you try to follow these steps?

A better error message will now be thrown since the Mercure Symfony component now switched to HttpClient.