
RS256 algorithm problems

Viktor-Bredihin opened this issue · 3 comments

in this pr was added support for RS256 algorithm, but I can't make it work with current bundle.
that's how I used to use it with HS256
SERVER_NAME=:3000 JWT_KEY='cat config/jwt/public.pem' PUBLISHER_JWT_KEY='!ChangeMe!' ./mercure run -config
with RS256 it's supposed to work like this
SERVER_NAME=:3000 MERCURE_JWT_KEY=cat config/jwt/public.pem ./mercure run -config
but it gives me the error a JWT key for publishers must be provided
however mercure documentation says
PUBLISHER_JWT_KEY | must contain the secret key to valid publishers' JWT, can be omited if JWT_KEY is set

I'm stuck with this problem, will be grateful for any advices, thanks

Hi, you need specify the algorithm.

MERCURE_PUBLISHER_JWT_KEY=$(cat config/jwt/public.pem) \
MERCURE_SUBSCRIBER_JWT_KEY=$(cat config/jwt/public.pem) \
./mercure run -config

If you are using the lcobucci/jwt integration (i.e. you are not using a static jwt nor a custom jwt.provider) then only HMAC (HS256/HS384/HS512) is supported at the moment.
Support for asymmetric algorithms needs to be added in symfony/mercure's LcobucciFactory.

This should work by now. Please tell us if it doesn't so we can reopen.