
Improve testing integration

rvitaliy opened this issue · 5 comments


My problem is that Symfony\Component\Mercure\Publisher is final, so i can't mock it with Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy.
I suggest to add an interface and use it as typehint instead of concrete final class.

what do you think?

As it's just an invokable class (__invoke), you can mock it using any callable (a function, a closure, an invokable class...).

I can't understand how a invocable class can resolve my issue.
I try to write my test example to explain it better.
NB: I prefer use Publisher as a service and don't hard code it on my services.

my service class:



use Symfony\Component\Mercure\Publisher;
use Symfony\Component\Mercure\Update;

final class MyClass
     * @var Publisher
    private $publisher;

    public function __construct(Publisher $publisher)
        $this->publisher = $publisher;

    public function execute(bool $notifyToCustomer): void
        if ($notifyToCustomer) {
                new Update(

my test class:



use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Prophecy\Argument;
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
use Symfony\Component\Mercure\Publisher;

final class MyClassTest extends TestCase
     * @var MyClass
    private $myClass;

     * @var ObjectProphecy<Publisher>
    private $publisher;

    protected function setUp(): void

        $this->publisher = $this->prophesize(Publisher::class);

        $this->myClass = new MyClass(

    public function testExecuteNotifyToCustomer(): void


    public function testExecuteDontNotifyToCustomer(): void


@dunglas please, do you have any suggestions?

@rvitaliy Create your own interface PublisherInterface for example with a method 'publish', then create an implementation of that interface and inject publisher (mercure instance).

class MyPublisher implement PublisherInterface
  public function __construct(Mercure\Namespace\Publisher $publisher)
   $this->publisher = $publisher;

  public function publish($message)


Then in your test, mock the interface...

Hi @spike31, thanks for suggestion!
It's exactly what i do, but i can't cover with tests MyPublisher implementation.