
3.0 Beta 2 DS/config

Closed this issue · 12 comments

So I've tried to set up Symphony 2.3 - along with SSM3.0beta2.

The install worked fine - and I could select fields and everything. What's strange is that when I added the datasource.. the result looked somewhat different to what I had expected.

  <widgets field-id="32" subsection-id="6" items="1">
    <item id="80" />
  <widgets field-id="32" subsection-id="6" items="1">
    <item id="80" />

Where I would have expected to be one item - with two fields inside with actual content.

Note I had also pulled the extension from tag 2.3 a couple of days back... but waited for this to be moved into master - as I thought it was unfinished before. (When I pulled & updated the results stayed the same)

That's quite strange.

  • How many fields did you select from your subsection in your Data Source?
  • Is there a subsectionmanager-storage file in your manifest?

Selected two fields - If I select 3 fields I see another <widgets> chunk so to say.

yep file exists and this is the content a:1:{s:6:"fields";a:0:{}} looks un-populated to me...

Can you make sure that file is readable and resave you DS, please? Maybe that helps.

content stays the same. File gets deleted when I save the DS - and re-created when I visit a page with the DS for the first time.

Do you use any special field types besides the core ones?

And could you post the $dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS array from your DS, please?

Not inside the SSM itself no. Just text-input and a text-area.

Below is the includes when I select all the fields inside the DS.

Widgets is the content-area the SSM is linked to.

public $dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = array(
    'widgets: name',
    'widgets: template-name',
    'widgets: content: formatted',
    'widgets: content: unformatted'

Right, thanks. We'll be working on a private project this weekend that uses Symphony 2.3 and Subsection Manager – I'll check if I can recreate and fix your problem then.

Ok no problem & no rush. Its a private project too here. If I have some time to spare I'll try have a look as well. Would be in the field.subsectionmanager.php probably inside appendFormattedElement() ?

The problem lies most likely in extension.driver.php – this is where the extension parses included fields and caches entries.

Had the same problem and added a fix to pull request #201.

The problem was that with the new abstractions in the 2.3 Datasources, "normal" section DS extend now the SectionDatasource class.

Thanks a lot, Jonas!