
Layout problem with new items

Closed this issue · 4 comments

On creation of new items the item content is stuck under the header.

bildschirmfoto 2013-07-25 um 08 23 16

(A workaround is to use the Tab-Key to navigate to the hidden item, which in turn fixes the layout.)

bildschirmfoto 2013-07-25 um 08 23 25

Welches Element ist denn hochgescrollt? (Es gibt 3 oder 4 mit overflow: hidden;, die in Frage kommen.)

<div id="wrapper"> ist das letzte Element welches richtig sitzt.

<div id="contents"> ist dann das erste welches hochgerutscht ist.

bildschirmfoto 2013-07-25 um 08 46 40

bildschirmfoto 2013-07-25 um 08 46 50

Was this fixed? I still experience similar problem when adding/editing items:


Issue may be related to #235.

Ubuntu FF/Chromium, Symphony 2.3.3, SSM 3.5.1 .

You are not experiencing this issue but #235 which should be fixed.
Are you using the latest version and have you emptied your browser's cache?