
Public role permissions will only work after saving

azzagazz opened this issue · 7 comments

it seems that the default public role displays all event level permissions as No edit (like every other newly created role) but does not actually set these permissions until after the first time it is saved. so by default it has no access restrictions set.

What is really anoying here: If you forget to save the permssions for a new event, everything will work. But then, when you save the role permissions (some days or weeks later), suddenly some of your events won't work anymore.

Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble following this. First time what is saved? The Event? The Role? The Member entry?

Sorry. It's the role.

Any events which have been created since the last saving of a role will be allowed by default, because nothing has been saved at all for these new events. If you then save the role, you won't even remember which events have been attached since the last save — but all of these will suddenly "break", because the default permissions are strict (which is good).

The solution would be: Until any permissions for an event are saved, the permissions layer defaults to "nothing allowed".

I came across this yesterday, and just thought it was me.

Applying the permissions of 'nothing allowed' is not the right answer for me. Whatever the default event permissions for a Public role should be applied.

Ah great, that makes sense. I concur, shall update.

Well that was a simple fix ;)


Whatever the default event permissions for a Public role should be applied.

No, I think that even this role should be saved in order to apply the permissions. It's not logical to auto-apply these permissions.

@brendo: Thanks a lot, this will save me a lot of time in the future. I tripped on this so often…