
Create 2.7.9 Release

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  • Create a new migration for the new version, eg. 2.7.9 which should implement getVersion and getReleaseNotes methods
  • Remove any 'beta' checks
  • Update the version constant in the project:
    • package.json
    • composer.json
    • .htaccess (minor only)
    • install/index.php
    • install/includes/htaccess.txt (minor only)
    • LICENCE (minor only)
    • symphony/assets/js/src/symphony.js (minor only)
    • Update the file, replacing the version constant and updating any metadata as required
  • Run grunt
  • Make sure composer is up to date (composer dump-autoload -o)
    • vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php
    • vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
  • Create a commit, usually Release 2.7.9 and push to the corresponding branch. Testing at this point is recommended!
  • Checkout the master branch and merge in the 2.7.x branch
  • Create an associated tag signed for the release, eg. 2.7.9
  • Rebase and push bundle
  • Create and push 2.7.9-bundle
  • Generate doc
  • Upload doc
  • Create bundle
  • Upload bundle
  • Merge and push lts
  • Merge and push lts-bundle
  • Rebase and push 3.0.0
  • Create version 2.7.9 on symext
  • Create a github release with associated tag, eg. 2.7.9
  • If php/mysql requirements changes, edit the footer