
Brackets in field handles not transliterated (removed) anymore

animaux opened this issue · 8 comments

Affected Symphony version(s) : 2.7.10 (since some version after 2.7.7)
PHP version(s) : 7.3
OS(es) : all

Brackets used to be removed for autmatically created field handles. After creating a new field with brackets in its name, now this comes up, and the handles have to be cleared manually:

Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-25 um 10 00 45

Is this related to #2890?

Oh yes, sorry it’s a duplicate!

@animaux your issue is in your language extension (, which must be fixed as well. We only fixed it in the core.

Thanks @michael-e! Will this break the extension for older symphony versions?

The bug was introduced in 2.3RC1 (6983d12). So yes, theoretically it would break the extension for Symphony < 2.3.

OK thanks. Strange that it worked fine all the time since then …

Yep (see #2890 (comment)):

It is almost unbelievable that we have not noticed this very old bug before.

No idea why.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ The mysteries of complex software!