
Error updating from 2.6.11 > 2.7.10

craigerskine opened this issue · 2 comments

Affected Symphony version(s) : 2.6.11
PHP version(s) : 7.3.11
MySQL version(s): libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407
OS(es) : Apache/2.4.39

08/22/2020 6:41 pm > Fatal Error: Could not complete upgrading. MySQL returned: 1060: MySQL Error (1060): Duplicate column name 'author_id' in query: ALTER TABLE `sym_sections`
                    ADD COLUMN `author_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
                    ADD COLUMN `modification_author_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
                    ADD COLUMN `creation_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '2020-08-22 18:41:03',
                    ADD COLUMN `creation_date_gmt` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '2020-08-22 23:41:03',
                    ADD COLUMN `modification_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '2020-08-22 18:41:03',
                    ADD COLUMN `modification_date_gmt` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '2020-08-22 23:41:03',
                    ADD KEY `creation_date` (`creation_date`),
                    ADD KEY `creation_date_gmt` (`creation_date_gmt`),
                    ADD KEY `modification_date` (`modification_date`),
                    ADD KEY `modification_date_gmt` (`modification_date_gmt`);
08/22/2020 6:41 pm > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.7.0 was unsuccessful

I tried using PHP 5.6.21 as well and get the same error. I also tried every release after 2.6.11 and get the same error.

Has anyone run into this? Is there an easy fix?

Please try upgrading MySQL. I have Symphony sites running on 5.5 but Symphony requires 5.7

Ah, thanks... I should have checked that first.