
Performance bogs down with normal web use.

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I tried using the proxy as a normal HTTPs proxy for normal web-browsing. It seems like it struggles with a backlog of requests and does things sequentially.

I'm not sure if it's built for this kind of purpose, but it's what I intend on using it for so any help in getting it to run slightly smoother would be of great help!



Hey Mitch,

Out of curiosity, which version of mitm are you using?

Performance upgrade is what I'm hoping to tackle next after adding a test suite to the project. The main bottleneck is in new_ssl_context function, which is called on every request. This function creates the necessary ssl.SSLContext that is used to do the TLS/SSL handshake with the client with bogus credentials.


Lines 211 to 222 in e564815

def new_ssl_context(X509: OpenSSL.crypto.X509, PKey: OpenSSL.crypto.PKey) -> ssl.SSLContext:
Generates a new SSLContext with the given X509 certificate and private key.
X509: X509 certificate.
PKey: Private key.
The SSLContext with the certificate loaded.

Due to limitations on the Python Standard Library's ssl module we must save & load the cert and key to disk on every request. This means that every request that comes in we are saving & loading from disk, adding literal seconds to every page load with 100+ requests.


Lines 228 to 240 in e564815

# Store cert and key into file. Unfortunately we need to store them in disk because
# SSLContext does not support loading from memory. This is a limitation of the
# Python standard library, and the community:
# Alternatives cannot be used for this because this context is eventually used by
# asyncio.get_event_loop().start_tls(..., sslcontext=..., ...) parameter, which
# only support ssl.SSLContext.
cert_path, key_path = __data__ / "temp.crt", __data__ / "temp.key"
cert_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with"wb") as f:
key_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with"wb") as f:

This is a disaster that hasn't been fixed since a patch was first created for cpython back in 2013. See this thread if you want to feel depressed. I attempted to mitigate this issue by using lru_cache, but haven't gotten around to testing performance just yet. The solution isn't super clear from here, and I'm still trying to figure out what to do. Ultimately, I would like to move away from ssl.SSLContext and instead use OpenSSL.SSL.Context (which supports loading cert/key from memory), but unfortunately asyncio.get_event_loop().start_tls does not work with OpenSSL, only the ssl module.

I'll keep this issue open and will update here if I find any solution.

Regarding the version of mitm, I am currently using v1.3.0

Yeah, I haven't looked too far into the mitm stack, but If I have some free time over this coming up holidays, I'll take a look into how mitmproxy handles connections/requests and see if that can be of any help :)


Sounds good! I'll drop any performance updates here as well.

Added #19 to mitigate bottle neck issues. v1.3 was/is improperly using lru_cache to do the caching, but v1.4 will fix it. I also recommend to turn off logging, as this will improve performance.

Browsed and used WhatsApp for about an hour with #19 enabled and had zero issues (YouTube, Reddit, YCombinator, Github, StackOverflow, etc. among other things). Things seem to work as expected. Give v1.4 a try and let me know! If you want to increase cache size for even more performance (at the cost of memory usage) you can use the following:

from mitm import MITM, CertificateAuthority, middleware, protocol, crypto
from pathlib import Path

# Updates the maximum size of the LRU cache.
crypto.LRU_MAX_SIZE = 2048 # Defaults to 1024. 

# Loads the CA certificate.
path = Path("/Users/felipefaria/Desktop")
certificate_authority = CertificateAuthority.init(path=path)

# Starts the MITM server.
mitm = MITM(

You don't need to change LRU_MAX_SIZE, but you have the option if you would like. See docs here for more info.

Closing this for the meantime.