
Issues with "Save to Syncthing"

Robin-Sch opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to save an image using the share button inside a syncthing share.
First I "share" the image(s), and select "Save to Syncthing".
After that I get the following issues:

  • Inside dark mode: when selecting a sub folder, all the existing folders have dark text so you can't view them.
  • Inside light mode: when selecting a sub folder, the button to create a new folder is white
    - Both modes: you can't go back once you've selected a folder. For example, I've selected the folder x in my share, however, I can't go back to the "root" of the share and selected a different folder. This also persists after closing and re-sharing the image(s), which means I'm stuck in that specific sub folder. #1472

Version Information

App Version:
Syncthing Version: v1.23.6
Android Version: Android 12

I just noticed the "web gui" theme is different than the "main" theme too. #1706
And when saving a file, it does not save the original timestamp.