
Can't change number of connection above 1.

maikelthedev opened this issue · 5 comments

Syncthing Version: v1.23.7, android (64-bit ARM)

I can't change the number of connections to anything on the Android app. On the PC I can set it up to anything but still when connecting to the phone it still says 1. In the menu I can change that (on the PC) but not on the android app. Since I'm sharing folders with hundreds of tiny files, it takes ages to sync when only 1 file is synced at a time.

Is there a way to change this or is it something that simply is NOT implemented yet on this version?

I mean if it is a wrapper, why not update the underlying syncthing to the latest and greatest so I can change that on the GUI.

Multiple connections was added in 1.25.0 (and its release candidates). But, using multiple connections is not gonna make a big difference when it comes to handling many files on Android, that's known to be slow due to the used file system and/or Android framework.

Multiple connections is actually more or less a niche thing, mostly useful when the used connections/sessions are limited for one reason or the other (e.g. QoS-rules). A single connection, in most cases, has a limiting factor far beyond the limiting factor of the Android device itself (fs/framework/cpu/...).

Multiple connections was added to 1.25.0 (and its release candidates).

In any case can we have the version shipped with the Android app from 1.23.7 to 1.25 or above and see how this actually fares?

Since I'm sharing folders with hundreds of tiny files, it takes ages to sync when only 1 file is synced at a time.

Multiple connections won't help you with this one. The problem is due to how newer versions of Android allow applications to access files. For example, I personally run Syncthing on multiple Android devices - on Android 7, synchronising 10,000 tiny files takes 15 minutes or so, while on Android 11, it takes at least a few hours to process the exact same files.

Oh no I'm on Android 13, which might explain why it has taken 1 month. 😱

This looks more like a support request than a clear bug or feature request. Please use the forum - - for support, first by searching for any similar issues and then by posting a new one when required. The forum has a lot more eyes and friendly people on it than the issue tracker.
