
Setting background property to a gradient breaks brushing "effect"

jmgelman opened this issue · 1 comments

In my app, I want to use a gradient for the background of the plot. I do this by using the -webkit-linear-gradient function:

$('.parcoords').css("background", "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, " + color1 + "," + color2 + ")");

Where color1 and color2 are strings containing the hex representation of the color.

Unfortunately, after doing this, if I try to brush solutions in the plot...the visual effect of making the brushed out polylines faded away (i.e., somewhat transparent) doesn't occur. I suspect this is due to the code in d3.parcoords.js beginning at line 695.

Is there any modification I can make so this will work, without breaking the rest of the CSS?

Here's a fiddle of what I currently have. Note that I did remove the background: white statement from the CSS for the parcoords class. Otherwise, the entire plot area became white when brushing began.

It may have to do with fillRect statement somewhere. Possibly this one: