Run Synthea within Module Builder
arscan opened this issue · 1 comments
Being able to run modules from within the Module Builder would be extremely beneficial to module creators. Setting up Synthea locally is difficult for non-developers, and it's output isn't necessarily easy to understand.
From an implementation standpoint, the most straightforward approach would be to wrap synthea in a RESTful web service, which allows the interface to POST requests with all new/changed modules as part of the payload, and which returns data (patient records, statistics, or both). Ideally, the service would return information about how often states & transitions are visited, so we could provide a visual indicator of which paths are frequently/never followed.
This is difficult because it involves setting up hosting (though we could have it only be enabled within the MITRE network initially), and a fair amount of work on the front end to figure out how to display the output of a run within the interface. But I think it would be extremely useful to people trying to implement modules.
A lot of the necessary capability is already there in Synthea, we'd just need to wire it together.
For example, state & transition statistics: