
If people in Synthea are unemployed, they are unemployed forever

Closed this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

When a person is created in Synthea, the Location.setSocialDeterminants() method will be run to set a bunch of attributes on the person. One of the attributes is unemployed to indicate that the person is unemployed. If someone is unemployed at the start of the simulation, they are unemployed for the entirety of their life in Synthea.

I would have expected individuals with this value set having a higher likelihood of being unemployed at some point in time. I can also see cases where some individuals are unemployed their whole life. However, there is no in between. Right now, a person in Synthea either has some form of work or is completely unemployed for their whole life.


- OS: macOS 13.2.1
- Java: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.3+7

The environment doesn't really matter for this bug.

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This is fixed by #1277