
Unresolved symptoms causing an unreasonable number of emergency visits

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What happened?

The EncounterModule in Synthea has code that, based on a person's symptoms, will potentially trigger an emergency visits (ER, urgent care or PCP, depending on symptom severity). This code does not resolve symptoms. It is essentially the responsibility of the module that created the symptom to eventually resolve it.

Some patients get into a state where they have a number of symptoms that don't resolve but exceed the emergency visit threshold. For these patients, they will have an emergency visit at every time step in the simulation (usually weekly) until they die or the simulation ends.

To reproduce this, run a simulation to generate >= 100 patients. Sort the resulting FHIR Bundles by size. Open one of the larger ones.


- OS: macOS 13.4
- Java: openjdk 17.0.3

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