
Motor 3 not working

mjomairi opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello - I'm fairly new to electronics so forgive me if this is a basic issue. I recently got tinyG to drive 3 motors for a desktop cnc machine and I'm currently running into an issue and I'm unsure how to resolve it. I'm using CNCjs to drive the motors, after a few runs Motor 3 stopped working while motors 1 and 2 are still doing okay. I'm not really sure why that happened, when I try to drive it with CNCjs the motor vibrates slightly but it doesn't move. I tried to adjust the potentiometer as well incrementally but that didn't do anything.

I'm not really sure how to debug what the issue is and I'm concerned the same will occur to the other motors. Below are some of the errors that pop up in CNCjs

feeder> {spe:n}
{"err":{"code":100,"msg":"Unrecognized command or config name"}}
feeder> {spd:n}
{"err":{"code":100,"msg":"Unrecognized command or config name"}}
feeder> {spc:n}
{"err":{"code":100,"msg":"Unrecognized command or config name"}}
feeder> {sps:n}
{"err":{"code":100,"msg":"Unrecognized command or config name"}}
feeder> {com:n}
{"err":{"code":100,"msg":"Unrecognized command or config name"}}
feeder> {cof:n}
{"err":{"code":100,"msg":"Unrecognized command or config name"}}
feeder> {sr:{stat:t,line:t,vel:t,feed:t,unit:t,coor:t,momo:t,plan:t,path:t,dist:t,admo:t,frmo:t,tool:t,posx:t,posy:t,posz:t,posa:t,posb:t,posc:t,mpox:t,mpoy:t,mpoz:t,mpoa:t,mpob:t,mpoc:t}}
feeder> {sys:n}
feeder> {mt:n}
feeder> {pwr:n}
feeder> {qr:n}
feeder> {sr:n}
{"err":{"code":100,"msg":"Unrecognized command or config name"}}