
Automatically create thread for new posts.

XtremeOwnageDotCom opened this issue · 6 comments

Feature Summary

Checkbox, which when checked, will automatically create a thread for newly posted items.


Lets say, you have a general "news" channel, which receives RSS posts posted by this tool. You typically don't want users to be able to directly communicate within the channel, but, you do want to allow conversations around the topics posted.

To achieve this- we can leverage threads within discord. These, allow conversation around a particular topic- but, without spamming the main channel with messages.

As a bonus- the threads are also listed under the channel, and can be easily located.

Other remarks

Can customize the length of time before the thread is automatically hidden.


Expected end-result-

New messages, have the ability to automatically create a thread, to allow conversations for individual topics.


And- the threads will be displayed under the channel (Not- something this bot would need to do- this happens automatically).


Discussion Items

The thread would need to have a title, which I would assume is a good use-case for the already existing placeholder functionality. Should likely default to the title of the post.

As well, I believe the thread would need an initial message, which should be customizable via the existing placeholder functionality. I would assume, it should default to something generic, along the lines of, Conversation below here.

Looks like you talk about forums @XtremeOwnageDotCom

Looks like you talk about forums @XtremeOwnageDotCom

Nope- have not touched those in many years. This one is all about rss feeds from a static website, aka,

Thanks for the suggestion - I believe by forums, they meant Discord forum channels:


Have you considered their use for this function?

Thanks for the suggestion - I believe by forums, they meant Discord forum channels:
Have you considered their use for this function?

Just- gave it a try. Doesn't appear MonitoRSS can post in them.

One other issue- Forum channels are only available for "community" servers.

MonitoRSS supports forum channels - you may see the control panel descriptions of each option when creating a connection:


Please clarify the issue you're facing when saying it cannot post in them

Additionally, changing to a community server is free - is there a reason this cannot be done?

Suppose I missed the dropdown.