
Mark the Syphon Project as archived

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I've been unable to build and run the codebase for over a year, at this point.

I am not a Flutter dev so cannot take the project any further forward, as it's waaaay beyond my ability to get back up to scratch. I've tried a few times to get it up and running but I just haven't managed to yet.

opk12 commented

Hello, I am a Matrix user and have kept an eye on the project. Is F-droid supposed to remove the package? Is there a planned replacement?

For reference, I have notified the F-droid team here.

@opk12 to be absolutely clear, I don't speak for the Syphon project in any way

Is there a planned replacement?

IMHO, ElementX is the replacement. In fact, watching its development has been very similar to Syphon. It even has a similar-ish feel.

F-Droid have stopped building Syphon (as linked by @opk12 above)

opk12 commented

F-droid will keep the build script here. The app presentation article is archived here at the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. The archival was announced on the blog.

If there is interest to revive the app, these should be addressed (+ possibly others which I'm not aware of).

  • For F-droid: Hasn’t seen any new releases for 2 years or any commits for the last year while being affected by some high severity CVE issues from the blog above.
  • For F-droid and Play Store: The app supports Android 4.3+, but Android >= 14 refuses to install apps with minimum target SDK < Android 6, per Google's docs.
  • For F-droid: deprecated Matrix APIs are not a problem per se, if they do not impact security.