
Can't get it work at all on python 3.4

ardavast opened this issue · 6 comments

I tried to install it on both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 14.04 with:
pip install interpy
When trying to compile the following example:

# coding: interpy

print "Hello, world!"

I get the following error:
File "", line 2
SyntaxError: encoding problem: interpy

I have no problems at all with python 2 on both platforms, this happens only with python 3.

Same problem in Python 3.5.0. Interpy 1.1.

Same on Python 3.4.3 , Interpy 1.1, Mac OsX 10.11.2

Same on Python 3.5.2. Interpy 1.1.

Same on Python 3.5.1, Interpy 1.1, Win 7

Same on Python 3.6.3 , Interpy 1.1, Win 10

I can get it work on python2 but not python3. is this not supported anymore for python3? I checked pyxl3 and it also not work for python3