Document real-world behaviour
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racitup commented
It seems from my use and several other threads (e.g. #73, #69, #57) that this module is far from perfect and there should be some guidance on best practice. For example:
- Which function option(s) could cause you to be blacklisted?
- What can you do to prevent blacklisting?
- How can you tell if you are blacklisted?
- What is the result of the check_mx and verify options if you are blacklisted?
- What is the result of the verify option if the dest. SMTP server doesn't support verify?
- Other cases for false positives (e.g. no tld on a test for publicly routable addresses when using no function options) and false negatives?
This is important for those trying to verify large quantities of external email addresses (in a business, like I am) who need to know the reliability of the results.
It would be great if those most experienced could document this in the README.