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GPUd is designed to ensure GPU efficiency and reliability by actively monitoring GPUs and effectively managing AI/ML workloads.

Unlike CPUs, GPU failures and issues are common and can significantly impact training and inference efficiency.

"78% of unexpected interruptions are attributed to confirmed hardware issues, such as GPU or host component failures, or suspected hardware-related issues like silent data corruption and unplanned individual host maintenance events. GPU issues are the largest category, accounting for 58.7% of all unexpected issues."

Reliability and Operational Challenges by Meta Llama team (2024)

GPUd addresses these challenges by automatically identifying, diagnosing, and repairing GPU-related issues, thereby minimizing downtime and maintaining high efficiency.

Read our announcement blog post here.

Why GPUd

GPUd is built on years of experience operating large-scale GPU clusters at Meta, Alibaba Cloud, Uber, and Lepton AI. It is carefully designed to be self-contained and to integrate seamlessly with other systems such as Docker, containerd, Kubernetes, and Nvidia ecosystems.

  • First-class GPU support: GPUd is GPU-centric, providing a unified view of critical GPU metrics and issues.
  • Easy to run at scale: GPUd is a self-contained binary that runs on any machine with a low footprint.
  • Production grade: GPUd is used in Lepton AI's production infrastructure.

Most importantly, GPUd operates with minimal CPU and memory overhead in a non-critical path and requires only read-only operations. See architecture for more details.

Get Started



To install from the official release on Linux and amd64 (x86_64) machine:

curl -fsSL https://pkg.gpud.dev/install.sh | sh

Note that the install script doesn't support other architectures (arm64) and OSes (macos), yet.

Run GPUd with Lepton Platform

Sign up at lepton.ai and get the workspace token from the "Settings" and "Tokens" page:

GPUd lepton.ai machines settings

Copy the token and pass it to the gpud up --token flag:

sudo gpud up --token <LEPTON_AI_TOKEN>

You can go to the dashboard to check the self-managed machine status.

Run GPUd standalone

For linux, run the following command to start the service:

sudo gpud up

You can also start with the standalone mode and later switch to the managed option:

# when the token is ready, run the following command
sudo gpud login --token <LEPTON_AI_TOKEN>

To access the local web UI, open https://localhost:15132 in your browser.

If your system doesn't have systemd

To run on Mac (without systemd):

gpud run


nohup sudo /usr/sbin/gpud run &>> <your log file path> &

Stop and uninstall

sudo gpud down
sudo rm /usr/sbin/gpud
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/gpud.service

Key Features

  • Monitor critical GPU and GPU fabric metrics (power, temperature).
  • Reports GPU and GPU fabric status (nvidia-smi parser, error checking).
  • Detects critical GPU and GPU fabric errors (dmesg, hardware slowdown, NVML Xid event, DCGM).
  • Monitor overall system metrics (CPU, memory, disk).

Check out components for a detailed list of components and their features.


Does GPUd send data to lepton.ai?

GPUd collects a small anonymous usage signal by default to help the engineering team better understand usage frequencies. The data is strictly anonymized and does not contain any senstive data. You can disable this behavior by setting GPUD_NO_USAGE_STATS=true. If GPUd is run with systemd (default option for the gpud up command), you can add GPUD_NO_USAGE_STATS=true to the /etc/default/gpud environment file.

If you opt-in to log in to the Lepton AI platform, to assist you with more helpful GPU health states, GPUd periodically sends system runtime related information about the host to the platform. All these info are system workload and health info, and contain no user data. The data are sent via secure channels.

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