
Easy to check active-context in kubernetes thru the prompt

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

kubectxon: Show on active-context

version Proudly written in Bash License

kubectxon helps to avoid your mistake as show up active-context on the prompt: kubectxon-basic-demo GIF

kubectxon supports color variation on the prompt: kubectxon-color-demo GIF


kubectxon is a utility to show up the active-context.

  kubectx                   : list the contexts
  kubectx <NAME>            : switch to context <NAME>
  kubectx -                 : switch to the previous context
  kubectx -c, --current     : show the current context name
  kubectx <NEW_NAME>=<NAME> : rename context <NAME> to <NEW_NAME>
  kubectx <NEW_NAME>=.      : rename current-context to <NEW_NAME>
  kubectx -d <NAME>         : delete context <NAME> ('.' for current-context)
                              (this command won't delete the user/cluster entry
                              that is used by the context)
  kubectx -u, --unset       : unset the current context


$ kubectl config get-contexts 
*         beer     cluster-wk8s   wk8s-admin   
          bread    cluster-bk8s   bk8s-admin   
          coffee   cluster-hk8s   hk8s-admin 

$ kubectxon
Current state is "on"
$ (beer)

$ (beer) kubectxon
Current state is "off"


⚠️ Caution: It support only 'BASH' Shell above 5.0.

  • As a krew which kubernetes plugins
  • Manual installation

krew (under construction)

You can install and use Krew kubectl plugin manager to get kubectxon

$ kubectl krew install ctxon 

After installing, the tool will be available as kubectl ctxon.

krew-2 (custom-index)

You can install and use Krew kubectl plugin manager to get kubectxon

$ kubectl krew index add cix https://github.com/sysnet4admin/custom-index.git
$ kubectl krew install cix/ctxon

After installing, the tool will be available as kubectl ctxon. I recommend to alias kubectxon like below:

$ echo "alias kubectxon='kubectl ctxon'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc


Since kubectxon is written in Bash, you should be able to install them to any POSIX environment that has Bash installed.

  • Download the kubectxon scripts.
  • Either:
    • save them all to somewhere in your PATH,
    • or save them to a directory, then create symlinks to kubectx/kubens from somewhere in your PATH, like /usr/local/bin
  • Make kubectxon executable (chmod +x ...)
$ git clone https://github.com/sysnet4admin/kubectxon.git
$ cd kubectxon
$ ./kubectxon


$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sysnet4admin/kubectxon/main/kubectxon
$ chmod +x kubectxon
$ ./kubectxon

Uninstall kubectxon

kubectxon supports uninstall option for your convenience :) kubectxon-uninstall-demo GIF