
Intermittent broken backend connections when using have_ssl=true

amickael opened this issue · 16 comments

Recently we have been trying to enable frontend SSL support for ProxySQL, i.e. have_ssl=true. We have had backend SSL enabled for a few weeks (use_ssl=1) without any issues, however when setting have_ssl=true we intermittently get the following errors:

MySQL_Session.cpp:4407:handler_minus1_ClientLibraryError(): [ERROR] Detected a broken connection while running query on (20,<redacted>,3306,1199180) , FD (Conn:583 , MyDS:583) , user <redacted> , last_used 19ms ago : 2013, Lost connection to MySQL server during query
MySQL_Session.cpp:1694:handler_again___status_PINGING_SERVER(): [ERROR] Detected a broken connection while during ping on (20,<redacted>,3306,272711) , FD (Conn:162 , MyDS:162) , user  <redacted> , last_used 0ms ago : 2013, Lost connection to MySQL server during query

On the application side we use Django with mysqlclient / MySQLdb, and these errors are surfaced as:

MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (2026, 'TLS/SSL error: Success (0)')

Disabling frontend SSL immediately causes the errors to stop.

We are using version 2.5.5 and our ProxySQL configuration is as follows:

| Variable_name                                                        | Value                                                          |
| mysql-add_ldap_user_comment                                          |                                                                |
| mysql-auditlog_filename                                              |                                                                |
| mysql-auditlog_filesize                                              | 104857600                                                      |
| mysql-aurora_max_lag_ms_only_read_from_replicas                      | 2                                                              |
| mysql-auto_increment_delay_multiplex                                 | 5                                                              |
| mysql-auto_increment_delay_multiplex_timeout_ms                      | 10000                                                          |
| mysql-autocommit_false_is_transaction                                | true                                                           |
| mysql-autocommit_false_not_reusable                                  | false                                                          |
| mysql-automatic_detect_sqli                                          | false                                                          |
| mysql-binlog_reader_connect_retry_msec                               | 3000                                                           |
| mysql-client_host_cache_size                                         | 0                                                              |
| mysql-client_host_error_counts                                       | 0                                                              |
| mysql-client_session_track_gtid                                      | true                                                           |
| mysql-commands_stats                                                 | true                                                           |
| mysql-connect_retries_delay                                          | 1                                                              |
| mysql-connect_retries_on_failure                                     | 10                                                             |
| mysql-connect_timeout_client                                         | 10000                                                          |
| mysql-connect_timeout_server                                         | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-connect_timeout_server_max                                     | 10000                                                          |
| mysql-connection_delay_multiplex_ms                                  | 0                                                              |
| mysql-connection_max_age_ms                                          | 14400000                                                       |
| mysql-connection_warming                                             | false                                                          |
| mysql-connpoll_reset_queue_length                                    | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-data_packets_history_size                                      | 0                                                              |
| mysql-default_charset                                                | utf8                                                           |
| mysql-default_collation_connection                                   | utf8_general_ci                                                |
| mysql-default_max_latency_ms                                         | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-default_query_delay                                            | 0                                                              |
| mysql-default_query_timeout                                          | 60000                                                          |
| mysql-default_reconnect                                              | true                                                           |
| mysql-default_schema                                                 | information_schema                                             |
| mysql-default_session_track_gtids                                    | OFF                                                            |
| mysql-default_tx_isolation                                           | READ-COMMITTED                                                 |
| mysql-enable_client_deprecate_eof                                    | true                                                           |
| mysql-enable_load_data_local_infile                                  | false                                                          |
| mysql-enable_server_deprecate_eof                                    | true                                                           |
| mysql-enforce_autocommit_on_reads                                    | true                                                           |
| mysql-eventslog_default_log                                          | 0                                                              |
| mysql-eventslog_filename                                             |                                                                |
| mysql-eventslog_filesize                                             | 104857600                                                      |
| mysql-eventslog_format                                               | 1                                                              |
| mysql-firewall_whitelist_enabled                                     | false                                                          |
| mysql-firewall_whitelist_errormsg                                    | Firewall blocked this query                                    |
| mysql-free_connections_pct                                           | 30                                                             |
| mysql-handle_unknown_charset                                         | 1                                                              |
| mysql-have_compress                                                  | true                                                           |
| mysql-have_ssl                                                       | true                                                           |
| mysql-hostgroup_manager_verbose                                      | 1                                                              |
| mysql-init_connect                                                   |                                                                |
| mysql-interfaces                                                     |;;;/proxysql/proxysql.sock |
| mysql-keep_multiplexing_variables                                    | tx_isolation,transaction_isolation,version                     |
| mysql-kill_backend_connection_when_disconnect                        | true                                                           |
| mysql-ldap_user_variable                                             |                                                                |
| mysql-log_mysql_warnings_enabled                                     | false                                                          |
| mysql-log_unhealthy_connections                                      | false                                                          |
| mysql-long_query_time                                                | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-max_allowed_packet                                             | 67108864                                                       |
| mysql-max_connections                                                | 6000                                                           |
| mysql-max_stmts_cache                                                | 10000                                                          |
| mysql-max_stmts_per_connection                                       | 20                                                             |
| mysql-max_transaction_idle_time                                      | 14400000                                                       |
| mysql-max_transaction_time                                           | 14400000                                                       |
| mysql-min_num_servers_lantency_awareness                             | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-mirror_max_concurrency                                         | 8                                                              |
| mysql-mirror_max_queue_length                                        | 100                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_connect_interval                                       | 200000                                                         |
| mysql-monitor_connect_timeout                                        | 600                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_enabled                                                | true                                                           |
| mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_interval                            | 5000                                                           |
| mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_max_timeout_count                   | 3                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_timeout                             | 800                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_interval                  | 5000                                                           |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_max_timeout_count         | 3                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_timeout                   | 800                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_count         | 3                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_for_read_only | 1                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_history                                                | 60000                                                          |
| mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_refresh_interval                       | 60000                                                          |
| mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_ttl                                    | 300000                                                         |
| mysql-monitor_local_dns_resolver_queue_maxsize                       | 128                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_password                                               | <redacted>                                                     |
| mysql-monitor_ping_interval                                          | 200000                                                         |
| mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures                                      | 3                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_ping_timeout                                           | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-monitor_query_interval                                         | 60000                                                          |
| mysql-monitor_query_timeout                                          | 100                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_read_only_interval                                     | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-monitor_read_only_max_timeout_count                            | 3                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout                                      | 800                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_count                                  | 1                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_group_by_host                          | false                                                          |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_interval                               | 10000                                                          |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_timeout                                | 1000                                                           |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_use_percona_heartbeat                  |                                                                |
| mysql-monitor_slave_lag_when_null                                    | 60                                                             |
| mysql-monitor_threads_max                                            | 128                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_threads_min                                            | 8                                                              |
| mysql-monitor_threads_queue_maxsize                                  | 128                                                            |
| mysql-monitor_username                                               | proxysql                                                       |
| mysql-monitor_wait_timeout                                           | true                                                           |
| mysql-monitor_writer_is_also_reader                                  | true                                                           |
| mysql-multiplexing                                                   | true                                                           |
| mysql-parse_failure_logs_digest                                      | false                                                          |
| mysql-ping_interval_server_msec                                      | 10000                                                          |
| mysql-ping_timeout_server                                            | 200                                                            |
| mysql-poll_timeout                                                   | 2000                                                           |
| mysql-poll_timeout_on_failure                                        | 100                                                            |
| mysql-query_cache_size_MB                                            | 256                                                            |
| mysql-query_cache_soft_ttl_pct                                       | 0                                                              |
| mysql-query_cache_stores_empty_result                                | true                                                           |
| mysql-query_digests                                                  | true                                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_grouping_limit                                   | 3                                                              |
| mysql-query_digests_groups_grouping_limit                            | 0                                                              |
| mysql-query_digests_keep_comment                                     | false                                                          |
| mysql-query_digests_lowercase                                        | false                                                          |
| mysql-query_digests_max_digest_length                                | 2048                                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_max_query_length                                 | 65000                                                          |
| mysql-query_digests_no_digits                                        | false                                                          |
| mysql-query_digests_normalize_digest_text                            | false                                                          |
| mysql-query_digests_replace_null                                     | false                                                          |
| mysql-query_digests_track_hostname                                   | false                                                          |
| mysql-query_processor_iterations                                     | 0                                                              |
| mysql-query_processor_regex                                          | 1                                                              |
| mysql-query_retries_on_failure                                       | 1                                                              |
| mysql-query_rules_fast_routing_algorithm                             | 1                                                              |
| mysql-reset_connection_algorithm                                     | 2                                                              |
| mysql-server_capabilities                                            | 571947                                                         |
| mysql-server_version                                                 | 8.0.35                                                         |
| mysql-servers_stats                                                  | true                                                           |
| mysql-session_idle_ms                                                | 1                                                              |
| mysql-session_idle_show_processlist                                  | true                                                           |
| mysql-sessions_sort                                                  | true                                                           |
| mysql-set_parser_algorithm                                           | 1                                                              |
| mysql-set_query_lock_on_hostgroup                                    | 1                                                              |
| mysql-show_processlist_extended                                      | 0                                                              |
| mysql-shun_on_failures                                               | 5                                                              |
| mysql-shun_recovery_time_sec                                         | 10                                                             |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_ca                                                     |                                                                |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_capath                                                 |                                                                |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_cert                                                   |                                                                |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_cipher                                                 |                                                                |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_crl                                                    |                                                                |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_crlpath                                                |                                                                |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_key                                                    |                                                                |
| mysql-stacksize                                                      | 1048576                                                        |
| mysql-stats_time_backend_query                                       | false                                                          |
| mysql-stats_time_query_processor                                     | false                                                          |
| mysql-tcp_keepalive_time                                             | 0                                                              |
| mysql-threads                                                        | 4                                                              |
| mysql-threshold_query_length                                         | 524288                                                         |
| mysql-threshold_resultset_size                                       | 4194304                                                        |
| mysql-throttle_connections_per_sec_to_hostgroup                      | 1000000                                                        |
| mysql-throttle_max_bytes_per_second_to_client                        | 0                                                              |
| mysql-throttle_ratio_server_to_client                                | 0                                                              |
| mysql-unshun_algorithm                                               | 0                                                              |
| mysql-use_tcp_keepalive                                              | false                                                          |
| mysql-verbose_query_error                                            | true                                                           |
| mysql-wait_timeout                                                   | 28800000                                                       |
158 rows in set (0.002 sec)

ProxySQL> SELECT * FROM stats.stats_mysql_global ORDER BY Variable_Name;
| Variable_Name                                | Variable_Value |
| Access_Denied_Max_Connections                | 0              |
| Access_Denied_Max_User_Connections           | 0              |
| Access_Denied_Wrong_Password                 | 0              |
| Active_Transactions                          | 1              |
| Backend_query_time_nsec                      | 0              |
| Client_Connections_aborted                   | 0              |
| Client_Connections_connected                 | 464            |
| Client_Connections_created                   | 1851051        |
| Client_Connections_hostgroup_locked          | 0              |
| Client_Connections_non_idle                  | 4              |
| Com_autocommit                               | 3399742        |
| Com_autocommit_filtered                      | 3396252        |
| Com_backend_change_user                      | 7              |
| Com_backend_init_db                          | 0              |
| Com_backend_set_names                        | 2699           |
| Com_backend_stmt_close                       | 0              |
| Com_backend_stmt_execute                     | 0              |
| Com_backend_stmt_prepare                     | 0              |
| Com_commit                                   | 3632           |
| Com_commit_filtered                          | 172            |
| Com_frontend_init_db                         | 0              |
| Com_frontend_set_names                       | 0              |
| Com_frontend_stmt_close                      | 0              |
| Com_frontend_stmt_execute                    | 0              |
| Com_frontend_stmt_prepare                    | 0              |
| Com_frontend_use_db                          | 0              |
| Com_rollback                                 | 30             |
| Com_rollback_filtered                        | 0              |
| ConnPool_get_conn_failure                    | 0              |
| ConnPool_get_conn_immediate                  | 7477           |
| ConnPool_get_conn_latency_awareness          | 0              |
| ConnPool_get_conn_success                    | 30188323       |
| ConnPool_memory_bytes                        | 2567920        |
| GTID_consistent_queries                      | 0              |
| GTID_session_collected                       | 0              |
| Mirror_concurrency                           | 0              |
| Mirror_queue_length                          | 0              |
| MyHGM_myconnpoll_destroy                     | 87             |
| MyHGM_myconnpoll_get                         | 30180846       |
| MyHGM_myconnpoll_get_ok                      | 30180846       |
| MyHGM_myconnpoll_push                        | 30229951       |
| MyHGM_myconnpoll_reset                       | 2746           |
| MySQL_Monitor_Workers                        | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_Workers_Aux                    | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_Workers_Started                | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_connect_check_ERR              | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_connect_check_OK               | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_dns_cache_lookup_success       | 203            |
| MySQL_Monitor_dns_cache_queried              | 203            |
| MySQL_Monitor_dns_cache_record_updated       | 3              |
| MySQL_Monitor_ping_check_ERR                 | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_ping_check_OK                  | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_read_only_check_ERR            | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_read_only_check_OK             | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_replication_lag_check_ERR      | 0              |
| MySQL_Monitor_replication_lag_check_OK       | 0              |
| MySQL_Thread_Workers                         | 4              |
| ProxySQL_Uptime                              | 93179          |
| Queries_backends_bytes_recv                  | 18494802445    |
| Queries_backends_bytes_sent                  | 19345506404    |
| Queries_frontends_bytes_recv                 | 19882710065    |
| Queries_frontends_bytes_sent                 | 50513656686    |
| Query_Cache_Entries                          | 4              |
| Query_Cache_Memory_bytes                     | 16840          |
| Query_Cache_Purged                           | 0              |
| Query_Cache_bytes_IN                         | 1480           |
| Query_Cache_bytes_OUT                        | 2324340        |
| Query_Cache_count_GET                        | 6286           |
| Query_Cache_count_GET_OK                     | 6282           |
| Query_Cache_count_SET                        | 4              |
| Query_Processor_time_nsec                    | 0              |
| Questions                                    | 35334351       |
| SQLite3_memory_bytes                         | 3200528        |
| Selects_for_update__autocommit0              | 0              |
| Server_Connections_aborted                   | 0              |
| Server_Connections_connected                 | 25             |
| Server_Connections_created                   | 203            |
| Server_Connections_delayed                   | 0              |
| Servers_table_version                        | 1              |
| Slow_queries                                 | 35             |
| Stmt_Cached                                  | 0              |
| Stmt_Client_Active_Total                     | 0              |
| Stmt_Client_Active_Unique                    | 0              |
| Stmt_Max_Stmt_id                             | 1              |
| Stmt_Server_Active_Total                     | 0              |
| Stmt_Server_Active_Unique                    | 0              |
| automatic_detected_sql_injection             | 0              |
| backend_lagging_during_query                 | 0              |
| backend_offline_during_query                 | 0              |
| client_host_error_killed_connections         | 0              |
| generated_error_packets                      | 0              |
| get_aws_aurora_replicas_skipped_during_query | 0              |
| hostgroup_locked_queries                     | 0              |
| hostgroup_locked_set_cmds                    | 0              |
| max_connect_timeouts                         | 0              |
| mysql_backend_buffers_bytes                  | 0              |
| mysql_frontend_buffers_bytes                 | 30408704       |
| mysql_killed_backend_connections             | 0              |
| mysql_killed_backend_queries                 | 1              |
| mysql_session_internal_bytes                 | 663008         |
| mysql_unexpected_frontend_com_quit           | 0              |
| mysql_unexpected_frontend_packets            | 0              |
| new_req_conns_count                          | 0              |
| queries_with_max_lag_ms                      | 0              |
| queries_with_max_lag_ms__delayed             | 0              |
| queries_with_max_lag_ms__total_wait_time_us  | 0              |
| whitelisted_sqli_fingerprint                 | 0              |
107 rows in set (0.002 sec)

ProxySQL> SELECT * FROM mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname                                                            | port | gtid_port | status | weight | compression | max_connections | max_replication_lag | use_ssl | max_latency_ms | comment |
| 10           | <redacted>                                                          | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1000   | 0           | 50              | 0                   | 1       | 0              |         |
| 20           | <redacted>                                                          | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1      | 0           | 50              | 0                   | 1       | 0              |         |
| 20           | <redacted>                                                          | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1000   | 0           | 50              | 2                   | 1       | 0              |         |
| 20           | <redacted>                                                          | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1000   | 0           | 50              | 2                   | 1       | 0              |         |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)

Hi @amickael,

fronted and backend connections are isolated from each other, enabling or disabling SSL shouldn't influence each other in meaningful ways. Since the error you mentioned are regarding backend connections apparently being closed by MySQL itself, have you checked MySQL error log in search for these errors? Maybe MySQL is explicit in the reason why the connections where closed.

Thanks, Javier.

Hi @JavierJF,

Thanks for replying. We don't see any corresponding errors in the MySQL errorlog which is the oddest part about this. We also have a much longer wait_timeout set in MySQL as well.

Hi @amickael,

it's weird that you can't find errors at MySQL side, this scenario has two possibilities:

  1. MySQL is terminating the connection because some configuration.
  2. The connection is abnormally being terminated by the client.

(EDIT: There are other possible scenarios, but for the sake of simplicity, let's consider these two for now, until it's clear that it's neither one of these posibilities)

In both cases, the connection is being terminated in an abnormal way, and MySQL should at least have an entry in the error log for this. This logging wont take place with the default verbosity configuration, you should increase it for seeing them:

SET GLOBAL log_error_verbosity=3;

Hope this helps to reveal the cause of the broken connections.

Thanks, regards, Javier.

fronted and backend connections are isolated from each other, enabling or disabling SSL shouldn't influence each other in meaningful ways.

@JavierJF is that entirely true? My understanding is that SSL errors and such are queued on a per-thread basis. Do the backend and frontend conns not share the same proxysql thread?

Hi @joshuahunt,

it's not entirely true, the scenario you describe is a possible one, but as my previous comment mentions:

(EDIT: There are other possible scenarios, but for the sake of simplicity, let's consider these two for now, until it's clear that it's neither one of these posibilities)

First it would be required to rule out other potential scenarios, before starting making hypothesis without having enough evidence of the problem itself. For this issue, MySQL error log in combination with ProxySQL error log (with the previous requested flag), should be the first piece of evidence for diagnosing a potential issue.

Thanks, Javier.

Thanks @JavierJF, we increased the MySQL error log verbosity and still did not see any related errors. We will take a look at the way the client is terminating the connections. When you say:

The connection is abnormally being terminated by the client.

Is there anything specific we should be looking for?

Hi @amickael,

MySQL will log whenever a connection hasn't been correctly closed by a client. This goes for when MySQL is going to kill the connection due to a timeout:

2024-04-23T15:16:58.621851Z 2209 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 2209 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'sbtest1' host: '' (The client was disconnected by the server because of inactivity.).

Or, in case the client broken protocol in any way, or disconnected in a unhealthy way, it's also usual to see a error like the following in MySQL error log:

2024-04-23T15:19:17.429137Z 2211 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 2211 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'sbtest1' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets).

I was interested in if any error of this shape was present in MySQL error log (when set to log_error_verbosity=3). This is important because will help us tracing down the nature of the issue.

Thanks, regards. Javier.

We're experiencing a similar issue (also version 2.5.5). In the proxysql logs we're seeing a lot of errors in the following format:

secondary-proxysql-0 proxysql 2024-05-03T06:40:09.225995603-06:00 2024-05-03 12:40:09 MySQL_Session.cpp:2642:handler_again___status_CHANGING_CHARSET(): [ERROR] Detected a broken connection while during SET NAMES on (10,xxxxxxxxxxx,3306,317035) , user xxxxxxx , last_used 19900ms ago : 2013, Lost connection to server during query

this generally correlates with the following logs on mysql server:

2024-05-03T12:40:09.226269Z 317035 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 317035 to db: 'xxxxxx' user: 'xxxxx' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets).

and in general mysql log we can correlate the events with:

2024-05-03T02:34:37.037437Z     316511 Change user      xxxxx@10.xx.xx.x.x.x on xxxx using SSL/TLS

It is hard to tell if the general log is from the retry tho.

In the application we see related:

[mysql] 2023/11/20 15:44:11 packets.go:37: unexpected EOF
[mysql] 2023/11/20 15:44:11 connection.go:150: tls: failed to send closeNotify alert (but connection was closed anyway): write tcp>10.xx.x.x.x.x.x:3306: write: broken pipe

Turning off have_ssl immediately quiets down the whole thing. We have tried changing packet size and keepalive settings and all kinds of timeouts, but that had no effect.

at this point our config looks like

mysql> show global variables;
| Variable_name                                                        | Value                                           |
| admin-admin_credentials                                              | xxxxx |
| admin-checksum_admin_variables                                       | true                                            |
| admin-checksum_ldap_variables                                        | true                                            |
| admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules                                     | true                                            |
| admin-checksum_mysql_servers                                         | true                                            |
| admin-checksum_mysql_users                                           | true                                            |
| admin-checksum_mysql_variables                                       | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_admin_variables_diffs_before_sync                      | 3                                               |
| admin-cluster_admin_variables_save_to_disk                           | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_check_interval_ms                                      | 200                                             |
| admin-cluster_check_status_frequency                                 | 100                                             |
| admin-cluster_ldap_variables_diffs_before_sync                       | 3                                               |
| admin-cluster_ldap_variables_save_to_disk                            | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_diffs_before_sync                    | 1                                               |
| admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_save_to_disk                         | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_mysql_servers_diffs_before_sync                        | 1                                               |
| admin-cluster_mysql_servers_save_to_disk                             | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_mysql_servers_sync_algorithm                           | 1                                               |
| admin-cluster_mysql_users_diffs_before_sync                          | 1                                               |
| admin-cluster_mysql_users_save_to_disk                               | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_mysql_variables_diffs_before_sync                      | 3                                               |
| admin-cluster_mysql_variables_save_to_disk                           | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_password                                               | xxxxx                                  |
| admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_diffs_before_sync                     | 1                                               |
| admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_save_to_disk                          | true                                            |
| admin-cluster_username                                               | useradmin                                       |
| admin-coredump_generation_interval_ms                                | 30000                                           |
| admin-coredump_generation_threshold                                  | 10                                              |
| admin-mysql_ifaces                                                   |                                    |
| admin-prometheus_memory_metrics_interval                             | 15                                              |
| admin-read_only                                                      | false                                           |
| admin-refresh_interval                                               | 2000                                            |
| admin-restapi_enabled                                                | true                                            |
| admin-restapi_port                                                   | 6070                                            |
| admin-ssl_keylog_file                                                |                                                 |
| admin-stats_credentials                                              | stats:stats                                     |
| admin-stats_mysql_connection_pool                                    | 60                                              |
| admin-stats_mysql_connections                                        | 60                                              |
| admin-stats_mysql_query_cache                                        | 60                                              |
| admin-stats_mysql_query_digest_to_disk                               | 0                                               |
| admin-stats_system_cpu                                               | 60                                              |
| admin-stats_system_memory                                            | 60                                              |
| admin-telnet_admin_ifaces                                            | (null)                                          |
| admin-telnet_stats_ifaces                                            | (null)                                          |
| admin-vacuum_stats                                                   | true                                            |
| admin-version                                                        | 2.6.1-31-g9d788c0                               |
| admin-web_enabled                                                    | false                                           |
| admin-web_port                                                       | 6080                                            |
| admin-web_verbosity                                                  | 0                                               |
| mysql-add_ldap_user_comment                                          |                                                 |
| mysql-auditlog_filename                                              |                                                 |
| mysql-auditlog_filesize                                              | 104857600                                       |
| mysql-aurora_max_lag_ms_only_read_from_replicas                      | 2                                               |
| mysql-auto_increment_delay_multiplex                                 | 5                                               |
| mysql-auto_increment_delay_multiplex_timeout_ms                      | 10000                                           |
| mysql-autocommit_false_is_transaction                                | false                                           |
| mysql-autocommit_false_not_reusable                                  | false                                           |
| mysql-automatic_detect_sqli                                          | false                                           |
| mysql-binlog_reader_connect_retry_msec                               | 3000                                            |
| mysql-client_host_cache_size                                         | 0                                               |
| mysql-client_host_error_counts                                       | 0                                               |
| mysql-client_session_track_gtid                                      | true                                            |
| mysql-commands_stats                                                 | true                                            |
| mysql-connect_retries_delay                                          | 1                                               |
| mysql-connect_retries_on_failure                                     | 10                                              |
| mysql-connect_timeout_client                                         | 10000                                           |
| mysql-connect_timeout_server                                         | 3000                                            |
| mysql-connect_timeout_server_max                                     | 10000                                           |
| mysql-connection_delay_multiplex_ms                                  | 0                                               |
| mysql-connection_max_age_ms                                          | 0                                               |
| mysql-connection_warming                                             | false                                           |
| mysql-connpoll_reset_queue_length                                    | 50                                              |
| mysql-data_packets_history_size                                      | 0                                               |
| mysql-default_authentication_plugin                                  | mysql_native_password                           |
| mysql-default_charset                                                | utf8                                            |
| mysql-default_collation_connection                                   | utf8_general_ci                                 |
| mysql-default_max_latency_ms                                         | 1000                                            |
| mysql-default_query_delay                                            | 0                                               |
| mysql-default_query_timeout                                          | 36000000                                        |
| mysql-default_reconnect                                              | true                                            |
| mysql-default_schema                                                 | information_schema                              |
| mysql-default_session_track_gtids                                    | OFF                                             |
| mysql-enable_client_deprecate_eof                                    | true                                            |
| mysql-enable_load_data_local_infile                                  | false                                           |
| mysql-enable_server_deprecate_eof                                    | true                                            |
| mysql-enforce_autocommit_on_reads                                    | false                                           |
| mysql-evaluate_replication_lag_on_servers_load                       | 1                                               |
| mysql-eventslog_default_log                                          | 0                                               |
| mysql-eventslog_filename                                             |                                                 |
| mysql-eventslog_filesize                                             | 104857600                                       |
| mysql-eventslog_format                                               | 1                                               |
| mysql-firewall_whitelist_enabled                                     | false                                           |
| mysql-firewall_whitelist_errormsg                                    | Firewall blocked this query                     |
| mysql-free_connections_pct                                           | 10                                              |
| mysql-handle_unknown_charset                                         | 1                                               |
| mysql-handle_warnings                                                | 1                                               |
| mysql-have_compress                                                  | true                                            |
| mysql-have_ssl                                                       | 1                                               |
| mysql-hostgroup_manager_verbose                                      | 1                                               |
| mysql-init_connect                                                   |                                                 |
| mysql-interfaces                                                     |;/tmp/proxysql.sock                 |
| mysql-keep_multiplexing_variables                                    | tx_isolation,transaction_isolation,version      |
| mysql-kill_backend_connection_when_disconnect                        | true                                            |
| mysql-ldap_user_variable                                             |                                                 |
| mysql-log_mysql_warnings_enabled                                     | false                                           |
| mysql-log_unhealthy_connections                                      | false                                           |
| mysql-long_query_time                                                | 1000                                            |
| mysql-max_allowed_packet                                             | 67108864                                        |
| mysql-max_connections                                                | 1000                                            |
| mysql-max_stmts_cache                                                | 10000                                           |
| mysql-max_stmts_per_connection                                       | 20                                              |
| mysql-max_transaction_idle_time                                      | 14400000                                        |
| mysql-max_transaction_time                                           | 14400000                                        |
| mysql-min_num_servers_lantency_awareness                             | 1000                                            |
| mysql-mirror_max_concurrency                                         | 16                                              |
| mysql-mirror_max_queue_length                                        | 32000                                           |
| mysql-monitor_connect_interval                                       | 60000                                           |
| mysql-monitor_connect_timeout                                        | 1000                                            |
| mysql-monitor_enabled                                                | true                                            |
| mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_interval                            | 5000                                            |
| mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_max_timeout_count                   | 3                                               |
| mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_timeout                             | 800                                             |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_interval                  | 5000                                            |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_max_timeout_count         | 3                                               |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_timeout                   | 800                                             |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_count         | 3                                               |
| mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_for_read_only | 1                                               |
| mysql-monitor_history                                                | 600000                                          |
| mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_refresh_interval                       | 60000                                           |
| mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_ttl                                    | 300000                                          |
| mysql-monitor_local_dns_resolver_queue_maxsize                       | 128                                             |
| mysql-monitor_password                                               | xxxxx                     |
| mysql-monitor_ping_interval                                          | 10000                                           |
| mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures                                      | 3                                               |
| mysql-monitor_ping_timeout                                           | 10000                                           |
| mysql-monitor_query_interval                                         | 60000                                           |
| mysql-monitor_query_timeout                                          | 100                                             |
| mysql-monitor_read_only_interval                                     | 1000                                            |
| mysql-monitor_read_only_max_timeout_count                            | 3                                               |
| mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout                                      | 10000                                           |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_count                                  | 1                                               |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_group_by_host                          | false                                           |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_interval                               | 1000                                            |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_timeout                                | 1000                                            |
| mysql-monitor_replication_lag_use_percona_heartbeat                  |                                                 |
| mysql-monitor_slave_lag_when_null                                    | 300                                             |
| mysql-monitor_threads_max                                            | 128                                             |
| mysql-monitor_threads_min                                            | 8                                               |
| mysql-monitor_threads_queue_maxsize                                  | 128                                             |
| mysql-monitor_username                                               | proxysql_recurly                                |
| mysql-monitor_wait_timeout                                           | true                                            |
| mysql-monitor_writer_is_also_reader                                  | true                                            |
| mysql-multiplexing                                                   | true                                            |
| mysql-parse_failure_logs_digest                                      | false                                           |
| mysql-ping_interval_server_msec                                      | 120000                                          |
| mysql-ping_timeout_server                                            | 500                                             |
| mysql-poll_timeout                                                   | 2000                                            |
| mysql-poll_timeout_on_failure                                        | 100                                             |
| mysql-query_cache_handle_warnings                                    | 0                                               |
| mysql-query_cache_size_MB                                            | 256                                             |
| mysql-query_cache_soft_ttl_pct                                       | 0                                               |
| mysql-query_cache_stores_empty_result                                | true                                            |
| mysql-query_digests                                                  | true                                            |
| mysql-query_digests_grouping_limit                                   | 3                                               |
| mysql-query_digests_groups_grouping_limit                            | 10                                              |
| mysql-query_digests_keep_comment                                     | false                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_lowercase                                        | false                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_max_digest_length                                | 2048                                            |
| mysql-query_digests_max_query_length                                 | 65000                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_no_digits                                        | false                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_normalize_digest_text                            | false                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_replace_null                                     | false                                           |
| mysql-query_digests_track_hostname                                   | false                                           |
| mysql-query_processor_iterations                                     | 0                                               |
| mysql-query_processor_regex                                          | 1                                               |
| mysql-query_retries_on_failure                                       | 1                                               |
| mysql-query_rules_fast_routing_algorithm                             | 1                                               |
| mysql-reset_connection_algorithm                                     | 2                                               |
| mysql-server_capabilities                                            | 569899                                          |
| mysql-server_version                                                 | 8.0.32                                          |
| mysql-servers_stats                                                  | true                                            |
| mysql-session_idle_ms                                                | 1                                               |
| mysql-session_idle_show_processlist                                  | true                                            |
| mysql-sessions_sort                                                  | true                                            |
| mysql-set_parser_algorithm                                           | 2                                               |
| mysql-set_query_lock_on_hostgroup                                    | 1                                               |
| mysql-show_processlist_extended                                      | 0                                               |
| mysql-shun_on_failures                                               | 5                                               |
| mysql-shun_recovery_time_sec                                         | 10                                              |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_ca                                                     |                                                 |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_capath                                                 |                                                 |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_cert                                                   |                                                 |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_cipher                                                 |                                                 |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_crl                                                    |                                                 |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_crlpath                                                |                                                 |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_key                                                    |                                                 |
| mysql-stacksize                                                      | 1048576                                         |
| mysql-stats_time_backend_query                                       | false                                           |
| mysql-stats_time_query_processor                                     | false                                           |
| mysql-tcp_keepalive_time                                             | 120                                             |
| mysql-threads                                                        | 6                                               |
| mysql-threshold_query_length                                         | 524288                                          |
| mysql-threshold_resultset_size                                       | 4194304                                         |
| mysql-throttle_connections_per_sec_to_hostgroup                      | 1000000                                         |
| mysql-throttle_max_bytes_per_second_to_client                        | 0                                               |
| mysql-throttle_ratio_server_to_client                                | 0                                               |
| mysql-unshun_algorithm                                               | 0                                               |
| mysql-use_tcp_keepalive                                              | true                                            |
| mysql-verbose_query_error                                            | false                                           |
| mysql-wait_timeout                                                   | 28800000                                        |

Hi @artemvovk,

thanks for adding more details about the behavior you are experiencing. As you mention, the change user messages that you see could be the result of the retry, but we wont rule out the correlation just yet. I'm interested in this:

Turning off have_ssl immediately quiets down the whole thing. We have tried changing packet size and keepalive settings and all kinds of timeouts, but that had no effect.

When you say Turning off have_ssl immediately quiets down the whole thing you mean the errors on both sides, or just the errors in client side? Can you confirm if the errors in the server side are no longer present after have_ssl have been turned down?

Also, even if the previous hold, what would really help to investigate the issue without a clear reproduction case would be a tcpdump of the complete interaction between client, ProxySQL and MySQL. Capturing the moment in which the backend connection is broken would certainly help to point the nature of the issue.

Thank you, Javier.