
CentOS 7 not able to install using due to metadata zst

rgvsilva opened this issue · 4 comments

When trying to install proxysql for CentOS 7, likely due to the version of the creationrepo used on the build side, the metadata from repodata gets generated using zst instead of gz which used to be the default on previous versions of createrepo. As a result of that, when trying to install using yum, it fails with the following message:

Parsing primary.xml error: Start tag expected, '<' not found

The issue started on proxysql build for 2.6

The workaround for now is to keep on 2.5
My suggestion would be to whomever responsible for the repo, to either set as compression=gz on RHEL7

Related to : rpm-software-management/createrepo_c#383
We "solved" this issue with upload the rpm to private repo

Yeah, downloading the rpm and resigning on a private repo using older createrepo will work.

As CentOS is going EOL by end of this june and RHEL will start a 4-years extended support, that is actually a decision on your side if to support RHEL7 or not from 2.6 on.

Right, We working on another solution of migrate into Rocky linux.

fixed the issue.
repo metadata for all RPM distros are rebuilt using gz as compression method

using fix --general-compress-type=gz from