
Evaluate exporting `stats_mysql_users` using the Prometheus exporter

renecannao opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently the metrics in stats_mysql_users are not exported using Prometheus exporter.

At the moment this is intentional, because stats_mysql_users could potentially have millions or rows, thus exporting it could potentially introduce significant overhead in terms of both processing power and data volume.

We need to evaluate different approaches on how to export stats_mysql_users using Prometheus exporter and minimize any potential impact.

Possible ideas:

  • make it configurable
  • only export users where frontend_connections is not 0

Do you have an example where you can have millions of rows ? For the moment I export everything, i would to see if i can handle it.

A web hosting provider, where they have millions of unique usernames

ok and they use one single proxysql :D, (generally it's limited with conflict name, but if it's generated automatically =)