
When can the front-end and back-end user and password separation?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is the place to report a reproducible bug, documentation error or feature request for ProxySQL.

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If you are submitting a reproducible bug report, please provide:

  • A clear description of the issue
  • ProxySQL version
  • OS version
  • The steps to reproduce the issue
  • The full ProxySQL error log (default location: /var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.log)

If this is a crashing bug, please also include:

  • The package used to install ProxySQL
  • The compressed proxysql binary
  • The compressed core dump (Note: if you're worried it may contain sensitive data, please contact us for information on sharing it securely:

If the above information is not provided, this issue is likely to be closed.

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Thank you!

covered by #3446