Notification handling not using asyncio
sjd-xlnx opened this issue · 3 comments
Firstly, thanks for your recent addition of the "notification" handling. Much appreciated.
However, I am having some difficulty with the async version of the subscribe_notification() function, which doesn't appear to work if the callback is "async", yet it does work if it is a regular function.
It seems that the code in, event_notif_tree_callback() is just calling the callback() function directly and not doing the usual check for whether it's async or not, c.f. "if is_async_func(callback):" which is used for other callbacks in
The following test code demonstrates the problem...
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import logging
import datetime
import sysrepo
async def notif_cb(xpath, notification_type, notification, timestamp, private_data):
logging.debug("Received notification!")
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
async def test(session):
notif_xpath = "/sysrepo-example:alarm-triggered"
notif_dict = {"description": "An error occurred", "severity": 3}
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(5)
logging.debug("Send notification")
session.notification_send(notif_xpath, notif_dict)
def main():
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
# Setup asyncio event-loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
with sysrepo.SysrepoConnection() as connection:
with connection.start_session() as session:
# Subscribe to notification
except sysrepo.SysrepoError as e:
logging.error(f'SysrepoError: {e}')
if __name__ == "__main__":
It uses the "sysrepo-example.yang" and is supposed to send a notification every 5 seconds, which it does (I can see it in the netopeer2-cli). However, the callback notif_cb() never gets called. If you remove the "async" from "async def notif_cb()", then it works (regardless of the asyncio_register value) and the call-back gets called - but obviously this is now not an asynchronous call.
Hi @rjarry ,
Thanks for looking at this so quickly!
I have tested the fix, and whilst it does fix the problem, there is one side-effect that is now evident.
In the fix you also added return values for the function. Well, I think the C function must be expecting nothing returned, since there is now a warning relating to this.
From cffi callback <function event_notif_tree_callback at 0x7f2273e500d0>:
Trying to convert the result back to C:
TypeError: callback with the return type 'void' must return None
If I remove the returns, i.e.
iff --git a/sysrepo/ b/sysrepo/
index d5a9e3f..2a916f9 100755
--- a/sysrepo/
+++ b/sysrepo/
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ def event_notif_tree_callback(session, notif_type, notif, timestamp, priv):
callback(xpath, notif_type, notif_dict, timestamp, private_data)
- return lib.SR_ERR_OK
+ #return lib.SR_ERR_OK
except BaseException as e:
# ATTENTION: catch all exceptions!
@@ -562,4 +562,4 @@ def event_notif_tree_callback(session, notif_type, notif, timestamp, priv):
LOG.exception("%r callback failed", locals().get("callback", priv))
if isinstance(session, SysrepoSession) and isinstance(xpath, str):
session.set_error(xpath, str(e))
Then the TypeError message "TypeError: callback with the return type 'void' must return None" goes away. But, presumably you added these returns for a reason, so I'm not sure my "fix" is really correct - even though it seems to work.
Oops, my bad, I didn't look at the C function return value... Your fix is correct.