
HA changed command_line and integration stopped to work

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Hi all!
I was using succesfully your soultion for a while now. After recent changes to command_line in HA it stopped.

I tried to fix it but I am unable to.

I added command_line: !include command_line.yaml to configuration.yaml file (25 line of yaml file see last error).

I have created new command_line.yaml file and added all of this:

  - switch:
    -platform: xiaomi_miio_raw
#    name: Kid1 Philips Raw
#    host: IP of light 1
#    token: 1st token
#    turn_on_command: 'set_power'
#    turn_on_parameters: 'on'
#    turn_off_command: 'set_power'
#    turn_off_parameters: 'off'
#    state_property: 'power'
#    state_property_getter: 'get_prop'
#    state_on_value: 'on'
#    state_off_value: 'off'
#  - switch:
##    -platform: xiaomi_miio_raw
#    name: Attic Philips Raw
#    host: IP of light 2
#    token: 2nd token
#    turn_on_command: 'set_power'
#    turn_on_parameters: 'on'
#    turn_off_command: 'set_power'
#    turn_off_parameters: 'off'
#    state_property: 'power'
#    state_property_getter: 'get_prop'
#    state_on_value: 'on'
#    state_off_value: 'off'
#  - switch:
##    -platform: xiaomi_miio_raw
#    name: Kid2 Philips Raw
#    host: IP of light 3
#    token: 3rd token
#    turn_on_command: 'set_power'
#    turn_on_parameters: 'on'
#    turn_off_command: 'set_power'
#    turn_off_parameters: 'off'
#    state_property: 'power'
#    state_property_getter: 'get_prop'
#    state_on_value: 'on'
##    state_off_value: 'off'

Would anyone be able to help me find solution? For now I am getting such error when trying to reboot HA:

Cannot quick reload all YAML configurations because the configuration is not valid:

Invalid config for [command_line]: [command_line] is an invalid option for [command_line]. Check: command_line->command_line->0->command_line. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 25).