
Mijia Air Quality Sensor uses `get_value` instead of `get_prop`

valkjsaaa opened this issue · 5 comments

Can we make that configurable?

Here are an example traffic capture:

 -> data= {"id":5301,"method":"get_value","params":["pm25","co2e","tvoc","humidity","temperature"]}
 <- data= {"result":{"co2e":2648,"humidity":56.100000000000001,"pm25":90,"temperature":24,"tvoc":1.857},"id":5301}
 -> data= {"id":5302,"method":"get_value","params":["pm25","co2e","tvoc","humidity","temperature"]}
 <- data= {"result":{"co2e":2607,"humidity":56.100000000000001,"pm25":90.299999999999997,"temperature":24,"tvoc":1.8089999999999999},"id":5302}
syssi commented

Sure! I will care about.

syssi commented

I've updated the custom component. Please give it a try!

Thanks for the very quick response, however, for Mijia air quality sensor, the get_value returns a dictionary instead of a list. So I have to change the code in to the something like this:

            # A single request is limited to 16 properties. Therefore the
            # properties are divided into multiple requests
            _props = self._properties.copy()
            values = []
            while _props:
                result_dict = await self.hass.async_add_job(
                    self._device.send, "get_value", _props[:15]
                    [result_dict[name] for name in _props[:15]]
                _props[:] = _props[15:]

Also I just noticed that you have already added this sensor to python-miio and home-assistant, so I'm not sure it's worth it to add this feature here.

BTW, it seems the home-assistant implementation of this sensor have some problem, and I have created a simple fix. Please take a look :)

syssi commented

Good job! I will merge your fix ASAP!

syssi commented

Are you able to provide a generic solution of your code change here? Try to identify the structure of the response and rewrite it if necessary.