
Feature Request: Add support for MioT protocol devices

ha0y opened this issue · 1 comments

ha0y commented

The Xiaomi IoT platform is switching to the MioT-Protocol. New products (e.g. chuangmi.plug.212a01) implement this new protocol and the old miio protocol was deprecated. Currently python-miio supports this protocol. To send command to miot devices, for example,
miiocli device --ip --token bb441c71ddfXXXXXX038a8f02806e8cc raw_command set_properties '[{"did":"ANYTHING","value":True,"siid":2,"piid":1}]'
turns on the power of smart plug, and returns
[{'did': 'ANYTHING', 'piid': 1, 'siid': 2, 'code': 0}]

and the old miio way
miiocli device --ip --token bb441c71ddfXXXXXX038a8f02806e8cc raw_command '{"method":"set_properties","params":[{"did":"ANYTHING","value":True,"siid":2,"piid":1}]}'
does not work and will not receive any response.

currently this component sends command in the miio way, so MioT devices can not be controlled through this component.

syssi commented

This issue is a duplicate of #6.