
Support for OGF

wangi opened this issue · 2 comments

wangi commented

Is it possible for Potlatch3 to have support for the OpenGeofiction server, or other servers which implement the OSM API?

See also:

P3 should now support this. (I haven't done a build yet, that'll be updated in due course.) It expects an OSM API and OSM-compatible OAuth handling. I've tested it with OpenGeofiction and it works fine.

You'll need to:

Once you've done this the first time it should remember it from then on. When you're logging in to OpenGeoFiction within P3, you'll need to click "Try access" (bottom right) to continue at one point.

(The key/secret are just those I generated by logging into OGF and creating new ones - you can create them yourself if you like.)

wangi commented

Thank you