
Security group ID is malformed (empty)

Octogonapus opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened?

I created a security group and an ingress rule and connected them. The ingress rule had a failing qualification Can create ingress which failed with this error:

Qualification Failures:

    An error occurred (InvalidGroupId.Malformed) when calling the AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress operation: The security-group ID '' is malformed

Raw Output:

Running CLI command: "aws 'ec2' 'authorize-security-group-ingress' '--region' 'us-east-2' '--dry-run' '--cli-input-json' '{ "GroupId": "", "IpPermissions": [ { "FromPort": 0, "ToPort": 0, "IpProtocol": "All", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "" } ] } ], "TagSpecifications": [ { "ResourceType": "security-group-rule", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "si-8632" } ] } ] }'"

An error occurred (InvalidGroupId.Malformed) when calling the AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress operation: The security-group ID '' is malformed

Output: { "protocol": "result", "status": "success", "executionId": "tomcruise", "data": { "result": "failure", "message": "\nAn error occurred (InvalidGroupId.Malformed) when calling the AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress operation: The security-group ID '' is malformed" }, "unset": false }

Notably, the group ID is empty. This matches what we can see in the GUI:

I do not expect the ID to be empty because I connected the security group to the ingress, which should set the group ID:

In trying to reproduce this, I also found another scenario where the group ID appeared empty in the GUI but there were no failing qualifications:

How can we reproduce this?

This is somewhat reproducible. My general steps are:

  1. Create the region
  2. Create a security group
  3. Create an ingress
  4. Connect the security group and the ingress
  5. Fill out an IpPermissions entry in the ingress
  6. Wait

I do not wait between any of these steps; i.e. I perform them as fast as SI allows me to. Maybe this is related to these bugs?

I tried deleting and re-creating the edge between the security group and the ingress; this did not change the group ID on the ingress in the GUI, and the qualification function was still failing. Notably, nothing appears to happen when I create an edge. I would expect to see the ingress start qualification again, but it looks like nothing happens (no progress spinner, etc.).

Operating system



x86_64 / amd64

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


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Additional context

Debug info for the group ID:

Thanks for this @Octogonapus

Looking into it now!

This is actually user error on my part, thanks for helping @stack72