only seeing limited amount of metrics
pete-leese opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi There,
Trying this out....
I can hit http://localhost:8080/status OK and loads a lot of json as per what I see on the status.html
When I hit the metrics end point - All I see is the following;
HELP nginx_server_connections nginx connections
TYPE nginx_server_connections gauge
nginx_server_connections{status="accepted"} 2.3859827e+07
nginx_server_connections{status="active"} 23
nginx_server_connections{status="handled"} 0
nginx_server_connections{status="reading"} 0
nginx_server_connections{status="requests"} 0
nginx_server_connections{status="waiting"} 0
nginx_server_connections{status="writing"} 0
HELP nginx_server_info nginx info
TYPE nginx_server_info gauge
nginx_server_info{hostName="",nginxVersion=""} 0
HELP nginx_vts_exporter_build_info A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, branch, and goversion from which nginx_vts_exporter was built.
TYPE nginx_vts_exporter_build_info gauge
Running the latest exporter release and nginx plus 1.2.2
What am I missing here?
maybe you forgot to compile nginx with nginx-module-vts, try it
Can’t remember now , it was over 2 years ago and left the organisation since then.
Solution for Seekers:
In you docker-compose fie put this:
image: sophos/nginx-vts-exporter
container_name: nginx-exporter
user: root
privileged: true
- NGINX_STATUS=http://webserver/status/format/json
restart: always
- 9913:9913
instead of:
image: sophos/nginx-vts-exporter
container_name: nginx-exporter
user: root
privileged: true
- NGINX_STATUS=http://localhost/status/format/json
restart: always
- 9913:9913
Don't forget change webserver
(Put your nginx container name)