
camera is mirrored

krushia opened this issue · 3 comments

On a Nexus 5X, the camera image is mirrored in both directions. This makes it hard to line up.

sz3 commented

Hmm... Thanks for reporting this. I'll try to look into it.

sz3 commented

I forgot to respond to this. Sorry about that.

I think where I'm at on this is:

  1. it seems like (mostly) hardware specific behavior
    • android devs may protest that in fact they're following the standard and it's everyone else that is wrong, and they may be technically correct. But it seems to be only Nexus devices that use this rotation feature and as a result the rest of the world (including the opencv tutorial code I'm using) doesn't account for it.
  2. I don't have the hardware in my possession

If somebody wants to take a look at a change and make a PR to address this, I'll take it (and test it on the devices I can), but I'm unlikely to spend more time on it than that. If it's any consolation, if/when I get a web-based version of the decoder to work, I'd expect we won't be battling too much hardware specific stuff like this. (I hope... 😬 )

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