
I2C and boot/config not set during fresh install

Closed this issue · 12 comments

Running beta OTA and did this on "P" version OTA.
Running raspberry pi 3b+ . Set config to stable. When I do a fresh install on buster or buster lite I have to enable i2c and spi in raspi-config. Also I have to edit boot/config.txt with:


So U used main_stable or master branch?


oh. thanks than, we will push new ota in few days. I will ask U to check it than if U want. Thanks!

Has to be fixed in "master" as well. Bug.

#121 related

is working now - should be tested

@sl33pydog - should be working now with master release

looks like it works on desktop and does not on lite.
We should re-think system configuring part

Big chance that new configuration script in master will resolve this. Will be implemented today/tomorrow

It is now implemented in master branch. Yo I will know for sure if that interface was implemented or not for sure.

An also in stable now

Assume resolved