
attempting to list all UART connected devices crash.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

                      FLASHING MENU
                1 - Flash each node automatically      

                2 - Flash nodes individually

                3 - First time flashing

                4 - Show I2C connected devices
                5 - Check all UART connected devices
                e - Exit to main menu


	Checking node 1 (reset with I2C address: 10)

on command sent
off command sent
on command sent
avrdude -v -p atmega328p -c arduino -P /dev/ttyS0 -b 57600
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 494, in
File "", line 490, in main
File "", line 469, in main_menu
old_flash_gpio(config) if config.old_hw_mod else flashing_menu(config)
File "/home/pi/RH-ota/", line 568, in flashing_menu
File "/home/pi/RH-ota/", line 522, in check_uart_devices
check_uart_connection() if not config.debug_mode else None
File "/home/pi/RH-ota/", line 488, in check_uart_connection
os.system(f"avrdude -v -p atmega328p -c arduino -P /dev/{config.port_name} -b 57600 || {show_uart_con_error_msg()}")
NameError: name 'config' is not defined

Thanks for reporting - I am thinking about fixing or removing that feature. Fix should be fairly easy - some importing from config module error/issue.

Fixed in PR #162