caddy container kepps restarting if stalwart container is in the stack
hgterra opened this issue · 3 comments
If you have stalwart mail in the stack, the first time you stop docker service (or reboot the box) the detection just goes fine. But when you do for the second time, caddy keeps restarting.
I've found a solution, changing the detection of stalwart in
I've changed line 53
if [ -n "$(dig A +short nextcloud-aio-stalwart)" ] && ! grep -q "mail.$NC_DOMAIN" /Caddyfile; then
if [ -n "$(dig A +short nextcloud-aio-stalwart)" ] && ! grep -q "mail.{$NC_DOMAIN}" /Caddyfile; then
Ah I see. Can you create a Pull request and submit the patch? :)
Sure. Pull request submitted.
Hope I did it OK, it's my first pull request
Yes, thanks! Should be available when is done :)