wildcard globbing for add-plots
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Thanks for spending your time to make this cool filesystem.
I have an existing farm that has a large number of plots, and I have added some new disks to it, and have started to copy my existing plots to a PlotFs that uses these new drives. And then as I empty out an existing ext4 filesystem, I intend to move that device into the farm, and proceed to the next device. But it seems the I need to call out the plots one at a time for the --add-plots function. It sure would be nice if we could use a wildcard to be able to do multiple plots at a time, or alternatively to specify just a directory, and have it pull in all the plots in that directory.
Just a thought
I got around this by writing a script to add one of my farms to plotfs.
for f in $(find /mnt/plots/*/*.plot)
echo "Moving - $f"
plotfs --add_plot "$f" --remove_source
Not a bad idea. I'll look into it.