
Local Http server with local router

To run WorkHttpApp

sbt "runMain agh.reactive.routers_demo.WorkHttpApp 9123"

Simple curl to test WorkHttpApp

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:9123/work \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
	"work": "some work to do"

Http server with Pool router on cluster setup

See: application.conf file

First setup node cluster:

# first create ClusterWorkRouters cluster
sbt "runMain agh.reactive.routers_demo.ClusterNodeApp seed-node1" &
sbt "runMain agh.reactive.routers_demo.ClusterNodeApp seed-node2" &
sbt "runMain agh.reactive.routers_demo.ClusterNodeApp" & #just the node on random port

Then run separate server HTTP instances with configured Pool router

# starting http servers which will also create routers with workers deployed on previously configured cluster
sbt "runMain agh.reactive.routers_demo.WorkHttpClusterApp 9001" &
sbt "runMain agh.reactive.routers_demo.WorkHttpClusterApp 9002" &
sbt "runMain agh.reactive.routers_demo.WorkHttpClusterApp 9003" &

Gatling performance test


To start basic gatling performance test, run:

sbt gatling-it:test

To open last report:

sbt gatling-it:lastReport


Use to be sure that you've killed every instance of sbt

ps ax | grep sbt | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9