
Can't install theme

DeMysteriisMundi opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello. I try install theme-city. My actions:

  • install i3-gaps, kitty, termite, cava, polybar, zathura, vim, dina-font, xorg-xinit, xorg-server, rofi, feh, stow
  • clone your repository to ~/Downloads
  • cd dotfiles
  • stow config -t ~
  • stow images -t ~
  • stow theme-city -t ~
  • logout or reboot
  • try to login to i3

And after this I see only theme-city background :c
Very want to try your theme and i3. Can you help me with this one, please?

hi, did you installed polybar successfully? The last time i tried on archlinux, it failed. And without polybar, the theme doesn't start correctly

Hm... I will try again and write you about results.

It got worse. Now standard i3 panel appears. It is updates every 10 sec. In background stayed SDDM login manager. And I can't interact with anything.

You can stop polybar temporary to see if it come from him, edit the ~/.config/i3/config and change this:

186  exec_always --no-startup-id ~/.config/polybar/ i3 


186  # exec_always --no-startup-id ~/.config/polybar/ i3

and start Xorg .

Okay. Thanks for the help with the puzzle :) I just have complete your instructions, but it is not helped me.

I tried execute ~/.config/polybar/ and saw error "monitor eDP-1 not found or disconnected". Then I edited polybar config (changed eDP-1 to eDP, because xrandr said me, that my monitor named eDP). Now, when I execute, bar starts. But now I have new errors:

And configuration:

So, I'm sure, that daemons, that show status on the bar, just can't start. On the week I will try to make anything with it. I will be glad to your help and of course I will help you on my part.

Thanks for screenshot and the thing with eDP, for missing symbol, you have to install material-icons and nerd-fonts-noto on aur:

The ascii art of polybar do not display correctly with the dina-font, this is unfortunately normal :p.

I have update the wiki with new dependencies and a troubleshooting section:

the install of the theme-city should work now, i close, thanks for the issue.