Beginner Question
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I have a very basic rice on my (KDE Plasma) Manjaro right now and have been contemplating to move to i3 for a while now. The thing is, I really like your dotfiles, but I don't really know how I am supposed to start, in that, what *nix am I supposed to have and how to go about installing this on a fresh machine. Could you please help me out by pointing out the steps that I should take to go about installing it in a beginner friendly fashion ?
no problem, what theme would you like to try first?
The first one, anonymous
first version:
install on manjaro linux
1st, Open a terminal
just open a terminal :)
2nd dependencies
Official packages:
sudo pacman -S stow awesome xorg-xinit git rofi compton feh
From AUR (with manjaro:
sudo pamac build nerd-fonts-iosevka nerd-fonts-roboto-mono xst-git
my repos
git clone
cd dotfiles
stow config
stow images
stow awesomewm
stow theme-anonymous
if a file alrealy exist, stow
will show you what you have to move, example:
stow config
WARNING! stowing config would cause conflicts:
* existing target is neither a link nor a directory: .Xresources
* existing target is neither a link nor a directory: .xinitrc
All operations aborted.
Here, you have to backup the files .Xresources
and .xinitrc
mv ~/.Xresources ~/.Xresources-BACKUP
mv ~/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc-BACKUP
And relaunch stow to see if it's right now.
stow config
If your shell is bash, edit the file ~/.bashrc
, for zsh, edit ~/.zshrc
and add xst or the terminal than you use:
Kill current X session
pkill X
Start with my files
First of all thank you for writing such detailed instructions, I'll try this as soon as possible
np, just let me know if something is wrong or doesn't work :)
I'll try this out in just a couple of days, I have super crap internet right now.
Tried it out and it works perfectly.