
Create New Project with SDK

Opened this issue · 11 comments

I made follow document to add library to project but still have error when i running

  1. i copy vrsdk to project
  2. link to library
  3. apply source
  4. run

Please help me
screen shot 2017-08-02 at 4 10 12 pm

link libz.tbd 、 videotoolbox.framework and ijkFramework

screen shot 2017-08-02 at 4 22 28 pm
yes , i added but not effect

your link error is not associated with this SDK. You try to delete SDK and run,is OK?

yes delete sdk and run ok

add again , still same error

screen shot 2017-08-02 at 3 16 12 am
error when i init library
i compile source as objectve-c
if compile as c++ will same first error

need compile source as objectve-c++.

compile as c++ error same on top image

you can see GongFu SDK 1.14.pdf,the first chapter introduces how the Tao is integrated into its own project.

ok i got it , could you answer old issue

screen shot 2017-08-02 at 3 58 30 am
after i run project , it black screen , don't see anything , i don't know what problems